Afternoon Mr Chasser sah
Having your cards in sli will not increase your output, if anything it might make your pc go a bit potty (thats the non technical term)
Its been all over the place this last week or two Mr Biffa sah, i don't think even they have pinned down the problem allthough at first it seemed like a router problem lord only knows
I had the same message a few times and restarted boinc/machine and it dissapeared. I don't think it rejects the task as "error while computing" rather puts it back to "waiting to run" status.
oh goody goody (new shiney to drool over) this is sounding very expensive but oh so much fun for you Have you done a Ba? or is it worse than that.... no wait is that even possible
Cheers chaps, oh my word what the heck has Mr Biffa sah done now. If we ask nicely do we get a hint or even a pic Whatever it is i wish you all the best with it and hope we get to see a build log soon, wait a minute this is someone elses build why am i getting so excited
"eggface" Mr Posh Lizard am gonna get you for that the yolk'll be on you
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