SETI@Home News Vol. 183 20th July - 26th July 2012

you lot make me look so inadaquate - I get 2M and you get 20M and 45M - if I go anywhere near the upgrade button the wife *WILL* remove a testicle


And the problem is :confused: its not like you don't have a spare :D (unless you don't then my apologies i take it back)

And the problem is :confused: its not like you don't have a spare :D (unless you don't then my apologies i take it back)

*pic snip

yes, I do have a spare, however having been married 14 months and losing the first will leave me on edge for the remainder of a (hopefully) long marriage. She is carrying our first sprog, so has already threatened to remove one just for doing that to her (even though she was there when it happened!)

you lot make me look so inadaquate - I get 2M and you get 20M and 45M - if I go anywhere near the upgrade button the wife *WILL* remove a testicle


Upgrade Button......

Upgrade Button......

Itchy trigger finger........

Itchy trigger finger........

Must resist........

Must resist........


Too late........

Buy button pressed........

Couldn't resist........

To be delivered Tuesday :D

Had two PCI-E Slots vacant........and you know how I feel about vacant slots (oooo errrrrr)

Just thought that two EVGA GTX 480's for £225 delivered was too good to pass over :D

As I'm trying to get back into the Top 20 RAC and the new Lunatics App is taking 'like forever' to be released - I thought that these might just help the cause :D

Don't think it'll help my lectric bill tho........

EDIT: paid and extra £2.50 to have it delivered Saturday :D
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As I'm trying to get back into the Top 20 RAC and the new Lunatics App is taking 'like forever' to be released - I thought that these might just help the cause :D

OI! :mad: I'm at number 20 for RAC at the mo, and I'd like to stay there for at least 1 news. Speaking of which, am I being daft or is the news late? Did I miss something?

The news is never late......

We get it.....when we get it.

Supplied by our good friend TBag - who does it out of the goodness fo his heart.

From time to time he is just a little busy as we all are.
OI! :mad: I'm at number 20 for RAC at the mo, and I'd like to stay there for at least 1 news. Speaking of which, am I being daft or is the news late? Did I miss something?


I was on about Top 20 RAC in the world :D

Anyways, the two 480's arrived two hours ago.........

Not the best of news I'm afraid - installed the first (always do one at a time - makes fault finding a lot easier) and started SETI to do a quick stress test on the card.

Was working fine for about 5 mins then........

BANG!!! BANG!!!! and a faint wiff of smoke......

T'is the first PSU thats gone in such a dramatic fashion for me.....

PSU RMA'd (less than 14 days old) and a new (more robust) PSU ordered.

Tested the two 480's in another rig and they both be fine - so looks like the PSU is then only thing that went BANG!!! - won't be able to test MB, CPU etc until the new PSU arrives.

And thats my news for today.....
Mr Loudbob you really do have more than your fair share of bad luck. Hope nothing else died.

Are you planning to watercool the 480s? Those badboys will be quite vocal on air :D
seeing as my missus brought me back a nice shiny brand new 6870 from work, i fancy sticking it in my home rig and giving the seti ATI client a go and see how it is - if it is pants, i can always use it bump up my Milkyway credit :p
Can put the 470 back in my work rig which has really slackened off this last week, and I need to work out why :confused:

1 x 480, 1 x 470, 2 470's once I stick this spare one in and Im getting 1-2K a day if Im lucky, need to get back in next week and have a serious look at it as there is obviously something very wrong there...


Grr 6870's don't have the double precision bit so can't use for milky way and the ati seti client is slower than my old 8800GT :eek:
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The PSU in question was the OcUK Battle 750w :

Wass running an AMD Sempron, Intel SSD & GTX 480 when it went pop...... must have been faulty to start with as it should be more than capable.

Have ordered an Akasa High Current Gamer 750w as a replacement:

When it arrives it'll be running the 2600k, OCZ SSD, 2 x 500GB sata's, 2 x GTX 460's & GT430.

I have a 1000w Cooler Master to run the AMD Sempon, Intel SSD & 2 x GTX 480's.

So, everything should be good for an RAC of around 250k (fingers crossed).

Just noticed my seti output has dropped like a stone, got 7000 wu's that dont seem to be uploading!?
Ive upgraded to the latest boinc client still no joy with uploads and the work is starting to time out :(
Anyone else had this problem?
Me too....

I put this in my cc_config:



Also, I had to change the project in the boinc client to 'No New Tasks' - then had manually update the SETI project in the boinc client to get the completed tasks uploaded.

I upgraded to client 6.12.34 for the above process - but the latest one will do fine.
Yep, same issue - the servers will handle reporting 1024 results as I tested that successfully.
The good thing about that is that you have a nice big credit dump, I think Im due 473K :D
Yep, same issue - the servers will handle reporting 1024 results as I tested that successfully.
The good thing about that is that you have a nice big credit dump, I think Im due 473K :D

Very Nice:D

But I got all four PC's up'n'running again and the replacement GTX460 arriving Monday - so I should be looking good for nearly 250k ppd :D :D :D
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