SETI@Home & OcUk Projects News Vol. 163 6th January - 12th January 2012

8 Mar 2010


Total Credit - 771,033,592

Crunched this week - 6,482,607

Current World Position - 10th

RAC - 825,267

Current RAC Rank - 8th

Members With Credit - 1263

Active Members - 194

Teams Stomped - 0 :(

Teams Stomped By - 0 :D

Splitters - 0 :D

New Members - 3
jk123 - Bryn Heywood - Delbert

1. SETI.USA - 2,902,535,378
2. SETI.Germany - 2,413,303,872
3. GPU Users Group - 1,890,117,765
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,424,130,671
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,253,185,513
6. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 1,029,737,451
7. - 906,882,961
8. Team 2ch - 875,432,771
9. Czech National Team - 785,567,647
10. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 771,708,938
11. BOINC Synergy - 736,974,205
12. Team China - 721,440,470
13. BOINC@Taiwan - 686,482,534
14. Team Starfire - 643,725,813
15. The Planetary Society - 610,659,402
16. Team Starfire World BOINC - 551,558,896
17. TeAm AnandTech - 547,099,982
18. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 531,912,720
19. Canada - 524,886,822
20. US NAVY - 523,523,129

Recent Average Credit

1. GPU Users Group - 5,052,064
2. SETI.USA - 3,898,189
3. SETI.Germany - 2,191,762
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,478,049
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,026,762
6. Team 2ch - 999,460
7. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 928,999
8. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 811,156
9. - 805,196
10. BOINC@Taiwan - 704,339
11. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 687,767
12. Team China - 621,038
13. The Planetary Society - 602,981
14. Canada - 554,902
15. Czech National Team - 543,350
16. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 541,938
17. Boone Community School District - Iowa - 522,920
18. SAIC: From Science to Solutions - 449,978
19. Team Starfire - 409,300
20. Team Art Bell - 400,186

1. BA - 52,191,282
2. Meridian - 48,386,079
3. ReaVerUK - 40,480,351
4. ToxicTBag - 37,940,807
5. MadMaC - 27,836,487
6. br83taylor - 26,113,383
7. Burlsey - 24,203,024
8. Mr Ludwig - 20,151,563
9. Grimgoth - 20,054,320
10. halz - 19,544,102
11. Simon - 18,866,947
12. loudbob - 18,442,499
13. pnutty - 16,833,133
14. CGS - 14,439,300
15. GrandMasterD - 14,219,728
16. kolala - 13,981,305
17. Dave - 13,900,314
18. k3v - 13,791,188
19. Odan - 13,746,936
20. Biffa - 12,861,353

Recent Average Credit

1. BA - 117,552
2. ReaVerUK - 71,579
3. Tel2 - 57,355
4. Meridian - 53,396
5. Dave - 51,955
6. ToxicTBag - 37,423
7. br83taylor - 37,007
8. kolala - 34,893
9. Ross Graham - 32,061
10. GrandMasterD - 30,863
11. MadMaC - 28,836
12. Gordon Proctor - 20,892
13. Chasser - 20,256
14. Dave - 19,227
15. Remos - 15,001
16. k3v - 13,742
17. derv - 12,696
18. garry brown - 12,443
19. CGS - 11,605
20. TiMeSliDeR - 11,481

1. ReaverUk - 40,000,000
2. Grimgoth - 20,000,000
3. Giskard2k - 500,000
4. derv - 500,000

1. BA - 834,986
2. ReaVerUK - 527,442
3. Tel2 - 513,189
4. Meridian - 444,681
5. Dave - 419,210
6. br83taylor - 298,344
7. GrandMasterD - 292,619
8. MadMaC - 289,152
9. Ross Graham - 271,787
10. kolala - 264,181
11. ToxicTBag - 262,941
12. Chasser - 182,437
13. Dave - 173,281
14. Gordon Proctor - 157,003
15. derv - 132,793
16. k3v - 132,128
17. TiMeSliDeR - 112,281
18. garry brown - 112,032
19. Remos - 108,554
20. CGS - 90,616

1. Tel2 - 513,189
2. kolala - 264,181
3. Remos - 108,554
4. k3v - 132,128
5. Giskard2k - 45,446
6. Nukester - 37,148
7. eggcup - 26,540
8. TheTross - 24,916
9. Pilgrim57 - 19,999
10. Jonathan Howell - 6,644
11. HITMAN_LEON - 6,506
12. Marine Iguana - 2,498
13. Wilderbeast - 1,305
14. MHardwick - 810

A warm welcome to our 3 newest members jk123 - Bryn Heywood - Delbert may your stay be a long and productive one, be sure to check the TeamOcUk link to see if your crunching efforts have earned you bragging rights in the form of a tiffy to display in this very thread!

Some amazing tiff's this week derv and giskard2k half millionaires and the right honourable Mr Grimgoth reaching an eye watering 20,000,000 and Mr Reaver turning the 40,000,000 mark an amazing achievement and no mistake!

Good to see output on the rise in general with Tel2 cementing his lead in the single pc users league .... well at least untill i get me backside in gear :D

Recent Satellite Crashes Bring Space Junk Problem into Public Eye

Full Article

NetworKing - The Game - I like this a lot very interesting it is too!!

Full Article & Download Link

In non Seti-related news ....

Couch potatoes and lardy armchair gamers of the world rejoice

New pill that 'helps you to stay fit without exercise'

Full Article

:confused: But i dont want to develope breasts and wear a bandana :eek::confused:

All Project Stats

1. halz - 20,342,797
2. Ba - 20,114,070
3. Simon Pickard - 4,903,253
4. kolala - 3,580,512
5. Stephen Ord - 3,371,773
6. Gordon Proctor - 3,233,185
7. Meridian - 2,265,874
8. sculptor - 1,928,958
9. NightmareXX - 1,432,133
10. Jagen - 1,200,564
11. hamesy - 1,101,073
12. Team Jolt Cola - 1,003,468
13. AdamH - 922,461
14. Pumpkinstew - 839,815
15. Tolien - 837,700
16. Graham - 806,973
17. shady - 786,987
18. MadMaC - 755,773
19. AndyPRM - 731,999
20. Jimbo - 691,197

Recent Average Credit

1. halz - 71,764
2. Stephen Ord - 10,039
3. hamesy - 9,852
4. NightmareXX - 6,537
5. Ba - 5,276
6. Mart - 3,795
7. Simon Pickard - 3,373
8. Gordon Proctor - 2,812
9. MadMaC - 2,077
10. sculptor - 2,052
11. Pumpkinstew - 1,968
12. William Lack - 1,943
13. Graham - 1,940
14. jonathan kendrick - 1,817
15. TheTross - 1,720
16. the_running_man - 1,683
17. musicman - 1,465
18. Bryn Heywood - 1,045
19. Relatively Lawless - 962
20. kolala - 857

1. Ba - 329,716,532
2. Phil - 162,367,047
3. Dean - 54,060,228
4. halz - 53,889,368
5. Peter-B - 42,734,368
6. cyclo - 35,248,448
7. CGS - 29,224,292
8. Lee Dixon - 25,163,797
9. kolala - 18,968,245
10. MadMaC - 16,641,612
11. kli - 14,880,227
12. Mike - 11,685,595
13. loudbob - 8,472,043
14. Pondermotive - 8,385,080
15. TwoFace76 - 7,880,768
16. Berserker - 6,201,022
17. IrritableRabbit - 4,002,751
18. Corsair - 3,983,171
19. Team Jolt Cola - 3,259,214
20. Mart - 2,945,734

Recent Average Credit

1. Phil - 344,975
2. Ba - 195,683
3. Dean - 80,885
4. Lee Dixon - 38,345
5. CGS - 38,242
6. Tarqy - 19,503
7. ReaVerUK - 13,861
8. kli - 6,475
9. MadMaC - 6,086
10. Mart - 4,831
11. Michael - 4,636
12. Tom - 3,690
13. dreadhead - 3,489
14. soundesciple - 3,392
15. AdrianO - 1,633
16. Pondermotive - 1,416
17. ZEN - 1,103
18. Tyrael2b - 1,091
19. Jackal - 1,078
20. lg - 933

1. Burlsey - 5,691,556
2. sculptor - 1,917,956
3. magman - 1,862,738
4. NightmareXX - 1,607,525
5. SourChipmunk - 1,185,539
6. Berserker - 1,181,714
7. br83taylor - 1,042,361
8. Team Jolt Cola - 983,386
9. Green Pig - 954,554
10. Biffa - 835,657
11. Bigstan - 724,313
12. kolala - 684,684
13. Steve - 677,783
14. Simon - 579,582
15. Jonathan J D - 513,463
16. Pilgrim57 - 489,016
17. James - 441,474
18. Borged by MGP - 414,512
19. Russell - 395,466
20. koopa - 377,241

Recent Average Credit

1. Remos - 3,405
2. kolala - 3,019
3. daniel - 2,808
4. Steve - 1,772
5. sculptor - 1,583
6. br83taylor - 1,559
7. derv - 1,073
8. Chasser - 992
9. SourChipmunk - 957
10. Pilgrim57 - 546
11. Jackal - 510
12. David - 503
13. joebloggs - 498
14. verbal - 495
15. TheTross - 464
16. JonnyG - 435
17. ReaVerUK - 417
18. ToxicTBag - 366 Look Ma i can multitask!!
19. MadMaC - 305
20. JoeyJoJo - 285

1. ed2353 - 6,286,562
2. nedsram-cdl - 6,032,292
3. Ba - 4,232,498
4. Cluster - 3,464,216
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,818,215
6. Burlsey - 2,602,513
7. bully- 2,503,857
8. << The_Max STi >> - 2,428,364
9. sculptor - 2,421,470
10. Team Jolt Cola - 1,967,368
11. William Lack - 1,795,175
12. shady - 1,595,248
13. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,582,290
14. rameen - 1,410,676
15. Berserker - 1,284,706
16. Zarniwoop - 1,059,747
17. Mr Ludwig - 1,007,340
18. Martin - 1,003,392
19. NightmareXX - 895,810
20. CGS - 865,913

Recent Average Credit

1. Ba - 16,565
2. ed2353 - 9,789
3. Jackal - 3,393
4. nedsram-cdl - 3,131
5. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 2,750
6. Pilgrim57 - 2,443
7. sculptor - 2,048
8. William Lack - 1,066
9. TwoFace76 - 444
10. Martin - 388
11. JoeyJoJo - 271
12. Ash - 264
13. Cluster - 212
14. Bryn Heywood - 210
15. the_running_man - 178
16. Burlsey - 92
17. Luke - 88
18. kinnison - 78
19. Mark128 - 44
20. Sunbirn - 36


1. shady - 578,977
2. Jagen - 249,656
3. Borged by MGP - 240,114
4. Meridian - 191,272
5. magman - 127,268
6. Dave Early - 116,396
7. rameen - 75,121
8. Bungle_Bear - 74,095
9. TwoFace76 - 73,349
10. Tolien - 62,568
11. Team Jolt Cola - 47,957
12. Tarazed - 36,203
13. steg - 34,497
14. Biffa - 33,876
15. Raymond Evans - 33,013
16. Geoff - 30,323
17. Team Caffeine - 25,698
18. richard smith - 23,878
19. ab - 23,217
20. stegoman - 22,673

Recent Average Credit

1. Raymond Evans - 107
2. WillLack - 88
3. TwoFace76 - 61
4. edgedemon - 22
5. Geoff - 19
6. Jez - 18
7. Chrislip - 7
8. jeremy - 6
9. the_running_man - 5
10. soundesciple - 5
11. Tikkabhuna - 2
12. PoDd - 1
13. cjo9900 - 1
14. Gareth - 1
15. Shining69 - 1


1. ReaVerUK - 62,254
2. Corsair - 36,089
3. Geoff - 34,252
4. SteveT - 33,621
5. Naphtha - 12,971
6. DavidM - 3,631
7. ALC - 1,938

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 634
2. Geoff - 597
3. SteveT -281
4. Corsair - 59
5. DavidM - 55
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Thank you Mr TTB. Nice to see my name back in the top 20 once again! I will consider my life objectives met if I ever catch up with Remos :O

I expect to see SETI my output dropping significantly this week - need to keep the pirates away from Rosetta@Home, yarrrr :D
Thank you Mr TTB. Nice to see my name back in the top 20 once again! I will consider my life objectives met if I ever catch up with Remos :O

I expect to see SETI my output dropping significantly this week - need to keep the pirates away from Rosetta@Home, yarrrr :D

Your welcome sah ... arrr indeed i will be doing my bit too :)
Nice one, once again, Mr TBag Sah! Much appreciated. :)

My Seti output will be down also as I have donated some of my powah to the Rosetta cause (pesky pirates!! :eek:).
Rosetta has crippled my Seti for now... But its for a good cause and i'm sure it will level out soon....

My seti rank is falling like a stone
Thanks for the news Mr TBag and thanks for the tiffy Mr Postie:)

Ooooerrrrr! Nice tiffy Mr kolala sah very nice indeed well done!

Am on with finishing the news off been a long hard weekend :)

**Edit** Finally finished the news have worked hard this week to make sure i have a full house of watercooled goodness crunching seti from next weekend, now i think a bit of r & r is in order lego indiana jones lego star wars and bejewelled 3 ..... oh yes i am a serious gamer now!!! :eek::D
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thanks for the update Tbag.

Glad to see my name start entering the tables.

Need a new PSU for my new GPU though, so im getting a 1200W and a 2nd GPU :-)
Your welcome jk123 1200w thats a 2 bar electric fire :eek::D dont forget to check the team ocuk website to see if you have earfned a tiffy - if you have show it off :)
Struggling with temps in my case to run anything on SETI GPU wise with Rosetta eating all my ram and making my rig unusable sad times. :eek: :(

Morning Mr Marine sah :)
Sounds like a right pain keeping those 3 cards cooled if they are all sandwiched, not thought you would be better flogging all 3 and getting yourself a gtx 570 they go like the clappers are power efficient compared to what you have now and would still give great output. Good card for gaming too :)
Eek.. down to 19th on Seti now... Not supprised to see top of Rosetta...

The good news is that i seem to be out of High Priority waters now and it should be plane sailing from here... Gotta creep back up the ranks. Look out derv i'm commin for you.
Look out derv i'm commin for you.

I've got around 220 hours worth of high priority Rosetta to go yet so my CPU is out of the running for SETI. My GPU is the only thing keeping me going. Don't force me to purchase another GPU and go SLI :D
Dont worry , you got a good lead.. It will probably be a close thing before you get your rosetta WUs out the way.

Might need to see what bits i can scavenge for a new rig...
Nice tiffy Lord Chasser well done sah :D

Good to see the competativeness around these parts warming up, if someone wants to step in and do the news it would be appreciated otherwise it will have to be monday evening.
Oweing to a lack of forward thinking and bad planning i will be without any gpu's in the next half hour until monday ...... grrrrrrr :mad::D
Another week another tiffy. Are you keeping up Mr Remos? :D

I shouldn't joke, you'll be stomping me very soon!

On a more serious note I'd be happy with help out with the news TTB but have no idea where I would get all the data from. You'll have to show me sometime and I'll be happy to help out in the future.

Go derv telling Mr Remos how it is :eek::D

Thanks for the offer of help with the news very much appreciated, think have just over-stretched myself this week and trying to keep everything in motion well it just didnt work too well :eek::D
I have borrowed a gpu for the weekend and will crack on with the news tommorrow chaps sorry for the inconvenience :)
Can I just point out to those who didn't like LHC@home because the new client was single threaded: it is now multi-threaded. The change seems to have been within the last week or two. It only uses one thread per core though, even if you have a CPU that can do two per core for things like SETI@home, but it will use every core now.

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