SETI@Home & OcUk Projects News Vol. 168 18th Febuary - 24th Febuary 2012

8 Mar 2010


Total Credit - 802,871,765

Crunched this week - 2,837,503

Current World Position - 10th

RAC - 562,957

Current RAC Rank - 9th

Members With Credit - 1277

Active Members - 202

Teams Stomped - 0 :(

Teams Stomped By - 0 :D

Splitters - 0 :D

New Members - 2:D

Drew Simkins - Jon

1. SETI.USA - 3,019,570,615
2. SETI.Germany - 2,511,891,358
3. GPU Users Group - 2,093,268,353
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,485,902,796
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,293,069,272
6. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 1,065,871,621
7. - 941,231,262
8. Team 2ch - 913,638,745
9. Czech National Team - 806,499,301
10. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 802,871,765
11. BOINC Synergy - 751,842,786
12. Team China - 742,528,233
13. BOINC@Taiwan - 707,525,628
14. Team Starfire - 659,026,450
15. The Planetary Society - 635,742,510
16. TeAm AnandTech - 561,111,436
17. Team Starfire World BOINC - 559,842,295
18. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 555,150,847
19. Canada - 549,822,427
20. US NAVY - 538,409,259
21. Team Art Bell - 525,140,164
22. BOINC@Poland - 458,280,276
23. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 433,190,636
24. Ars Technica - 429,794,910
25. Amateur Radio Operators - 400,276,406

Recent Average Credit

1. GPU Users Group - 3,620,746
2. SETI.USA - 2,123,365
3. SETI.Germany - 1,847,084
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,214,042
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 749,986
6. Team 2ch - 713,627
7. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 686,727
8. - 680,899
9. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 562,957
10. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 518,083
11. Canada - 508,646
12. BOINC@Taiwan - 503,738
13. The Planetary Society - 483,138
14. Team China - 455,128
15. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 444,912
16. Czech National Team - 416,297
17. Team Art Bell - 342,221
18. SAIC: From Science to Solutions - 319,647
19. BOINC@Poland - 316,619
20. Team Starfire - 311,878
21. US NAVY - 293,326
22. TeAm AnandTech - 284,812
23. BOINC Synergy - 282,273
24. Boone Community School District - Iowa - 277,883
25. USA - 268,809

1. BA - 54,324,959
2. Meridian - 50,542,443
3. ReaVerUK - 43,107,089
4. ToxicTBag - 39,403,646
5. MadMaC - 29,401,694
6. br83taylor - 27,782,631
7. Burlsey - 24,489,095
8. Grimgoth - 20,283,097
9. Mr Ludwig - 20,193,697
10. halz - 19,544,102
11. Simon - 18,868,220
12. loudbob - 18,485,138
13. pnutty - 16,833,133
14. kolala - 15,257,801
15. CGS - 14,909,215
16. GrandMasterD - 14,511,331
17. k3v - 14,367,589
18. Dave - 14,315,454
19. Ross Graham - 13,920,872
20. Odan - 13,766,416
21. Dave - 13,109,950
22. Biffa - 12,863,326
23. IAN - 12,381,512
24. Stuart Gibson - 11,602,002
25. Gordon Proctor - 11,472,909

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 50,789
2. Tel2 - 48,746
3. Ross Graham - 44,818
4. Dave - 40,053
5. Meridian - 36,520
6. derv - 33,744
7. BA - 31,875
8. br83taylor - 30,372
9. MadMaC - 29,371
10. kolala - 24,339
11. ToxicTBag - 23,866
12. Chasser - 17,416
13. Gordon Proctor - 15,984
14. Tom Nunamaker - 13,486
15. k3v - 10,449
16. CGS - 9,937
17. garry brown - 8,076
18. TiMeSliDeR - 7,405
19. Remos - 6,987
20. Burlsey - 6,860
21. eggcup - 6,147
22. Grimgoth - 5,314
23. geoff - 4,995
24. joebloggs - 4,930
25. Iain Cochran [xenoc] - 4,398

1. Ross Graham - 269,878
2. ReaVerUK - 245,518
3. Tel2 - 197,619
4. MadMaC - 158,515
5. br83taylor - 157,870
6. Dave - 145,334
7. Meridian - 141,925
8. derv - 140,882
9. kolala - 121,695
10. Chasser - 111,657
11. Gordon Proctor - 110,402
12. ToxicTBag - 93,881
13. Tom Nunamaker - 87,524
14. BA - 87,121
15. CGS - 64,927
16. garry brown - 49,759
17. TiMeSliDeR - 47,205
18. Grimgoth - 36,936
19. Burlsey - 36,469
20. k3v - 36,250
21. geoff - 32,938
22. Nukester - 32,367
23. eggcup - 30,184
24. Iain Cochran [xenoc] - 28,669
25. Pilgrim57 - 24,158

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Highlighted entries are gpu assisted

1. kolala - 121,695
2. ToxicTBag - 93,881
3. k3v - 36,250
4. Nukester - 32,367
5. eggcup - 30,184
6. Pilgrim57 - 24,158
7. Giskard2k - 3,347
8. TheTross - 1,854
9. Marine Iguana - 1,226

10. Andrew - 31.90

A warm welcome to our 2 newest team members Drew Simkins and Jon any questions or problems just post in the news thread for a quick and helpfull reply. Dont forget to check the TeamOcUk website link below to see if your crunching efforts have earned you a much sought after tiffy and display it right here.

Just when we thought we had the Czech national team in our sights seti throws a fit and its been hard all round getting work units this week hopefully it should not last too long and we can get on with the task in hand.

Congrats to Mr Kolala on topping the single pc league this week, dont forget if your only using one machine let me know so i van add you to the single pc league and wether or not your using a gpu.

Fingers crossed for a better week ahead chaps.

NASA's Fermi Catches Thunderstorms Hurling Antimatter into Space

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In non seti related news ....

World's oldest joke book

A Cambridge academic has uncovered what is believed to be the world's oldest joke book.

The third century book of gags from the Roman Empire is written in Greek and entitled Philogelos, which translates as Laughter Lover.

Professor Mary Beard says it debunks the popular myth that the Romans were 'pompous, toga-wearing bridge builders'.

"A lot of the books written during the Roman Empire were written in Greek and although they might not be side-splittingly funny, they do give us a fascinating insight," she told the Daily Telegraph.

Prof Beard, who came across it while researching ancient humour for a book, said the jokes were categorised into themes including 'the absentminded professor' and 'the charlatan prophet'.

"One of my favourite jokes from the book, and probably one of the longest, is about a barber, a professor and a bald man," she added.

Another dating back to 248AD when Rome held what was billed as the 'Millennium Games' - tells the story of a distraught athlete: "Never mind," says a spectator. "You can always try again at the next Millennium Games."

There is also an ancient version of the Monty Python dead parrot sketch.

It reads: "A man buys a slave, who dies soon after. When he complains, the slave seller replies, "Well, he didn't die when I owned him"."

All Project Stats

1. halz - 23,003,912
2. Ba - 20,617,070
3. shaf* - 7,230,290
4. Simon Pickard - 5,029,861
5. Stephen Ord - 3,915,112
6. kolala - 3,670,512
7. Gordon Proctor - 3,388,979
8. Meridian - 2,265,874
9. sculptor - 2,013,259
10. NightmareXX - 1,697,950
11. hamesy - 1,476,619
12. Jagen - 1,200,564
13. Team Jolt Cola - 1,003,468
14. Pumpkinstew - 957,315
15. AdamH - 922,461
16. Graham - 896,407
17. Tolien - 837,700
18. MadMaC - 833,252
19. shady - 786,987
20. AndyPRM - 731,999
21. Jimbo - 691,197
22. ReaVerUK - 688,795
23. TheTross - 588,467
24. Tarazed - 546,693
25. piplewis - 537,282

Recent Average Credit

1. halz - 65,565
2. Ba - 16,246
3. Stephen Ord - 15,067
4. hamesy - 10,252
5. ReaVerUK - 9,393
6. NightmareXX - 8,117
7. kolala - 5,471
8. Gordon Proctor - 5,009
9. TheTross - 4,691
10. William Lack - 4,305
11. MadMaC - 4,197
12. Pumpkinstew - 4,107
13. jonathan kendrick - 3,872
14. zx|muppet - 3,820
15. Simon Pickard - 3,744
16. lopkinfop - 2,495
17. Graham - 2,202
18. jondi_hanluc - 2,122
19. sculptor - 2,088
20. Relatively Lawless - 1,570
21. musicman - 1,391
22. Ingleberry - 1,348
23. Guru - 1,276
24. Free bass - 887
25. the_running_man - 724

1. Ba - 338,260,790
2. Phil - 181,755,495
3. Dean - 55,754,796
4. halz - 53,889,368
5. Peter-B - 42,734,368
6. cyclo - 35,248,448
7. CGS - 31,444,764
8. Lee Dixon - 28,334,030
9. kolala - 18,968,245
10. MadMaC - 16,659,357
11. kli - 14,883,584
12. Mike - 11,685,595
13. loudbob - 8,472,043
14. Pondermotive - 8,410,993
15. TwoFace76 - 7,895,096
16. Berserker - 6,201,022
17. Corsair - 4,022,365
18. IrritableRabbit - 4,002,751
19. Hadley Robert Denton - 3,804,769
20. Team Jolt Cola - 3,259,214
21. Mart - 3,004,403
22. JabyM - 2,461,779
23. lopkinfop - 2,155,200
24. Muke1428 - 2,138,236
25. Grimgoth - 2,083,851

Recent Average Credit

1. Phil - 507,966
2. Ba - 157,595
3. Hadley Robert Denton - 147,518
4. Lee Dixon - 92,080
5. derv - 84,198
6. CGS - 57,123
7. Dean - 33,262
8. lopkinfop - 22,768
9. the_running_man - 11,285
10. Chris - 10,088
11. jk123 - 8,100
12. Michael - 7,239
13. Guru - 7,189
14. Andy - 6,172
15. dreadhead - 5,367
16. Biffa - 5,240
17. Jon - 4,602
18. Ingleberry - 3,131
19. Drew Simkins - 2,474
20. srupik - 2,170
21. Richard - 1,734
22. Corsair - 1,603
23. Pondermotive - 1,482
24. Alex - 1,430
25. Tarqy - 1,222

1. Burlsey - 5,706,530
2. sculptor - 1,992,176
3. magman - 1,862,738
4. NightmareXX - 1,607,525
5. SourChipmunk - 1,230,892
6. Berserker - 1,181,714
7. br83taylor - 1,042,361
8. Team Jolt Cola - 983,386
9. Green Pig - 954,554
10. Biffa - 847,512
11. kolala - 833,628
12. Steve - 751,585
13. Bigstan - 724,313
14. Jonathan J D - 607,927
15. Simon - 579,582
16. Pilgrim57 - 513,128
17. jondi_hanluc - 461,786
18. James - 441,474
19. Borged by MGP - 414,512
20. Russell - 395,466
21. koopa - 377,241
22. debater - 320,115
23. dekez - 287,684
24. MadMaC - 287,629
25. Pumpkinstew - 261,324

Recent Average Credit

1. loudbob - 8,495
2. Remos - 4,575
3. kolala - 3,601
4. jondi_hanluc - 3,178
5. Senture - 2,969
6. Area 51 - 2,691
7. Jonathan J D - 2,476
8. Steve - 2,046
9. sculptor - 1,945
10. Sean - 1,464
11. SourChipmunk - 1,249
12. Chasser - 1,043
13. lopkinfop - 972
14. MadMaC - 701
15. joebloggs - 674
16. Pilgrim57 - 666
17. verbal - 659
18. JoeyJoJo - 540
19. David - 522
20. TheTross - 516
21. Mikes - 489
22. Tarqy - 407
23. Burlsey - 395
24. TheUberGeek - 321
25. chrislip - 308

1. ed2353 - 6,740,276
2. nedsram-cdl - 6,190,122
3. Ba - 5,467,355
4. Cluster - 3,476,789
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,899,161
6. Burlsey - 2,611,760
7. sculptor - 2,543,143
8. bully - 2,503,857
9. << The_Max STi >> - 2,428,364
10. Team Jolt Cola - 1,967,368
11. William Lack - 1,857,803
12. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,643,279
13. shady - 1,628,914
14. rameen - 1,410,676
15. Berserker - 1,284,706
16. Zarniwoop - 1,059,747
17. Martin - 1,030,586
18. Mr Ludwig - 1,007,340
19. Ash - 965,048
20. NightmareXX - 895,810
21. CGS - 865,913
22. Jackal - 829,285
23. Loudbob - 667,487
24. RTS - 655,483
25. Simon255 - 515,261

Recent Average Credit

1. Ba - 25,681
2. ed2353 - 11,292
3. nedsram-cdl - 2,740
4. sculptor - 2,546
5. Pilgrim57 - 1,982
6. Ash - 1,905
7. Jackal - 1,783
8. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,227
9. shady - 1,213
10. Guru - 890
11. William Lack - 872
12. JoeyJoJo - 639
13. Martin - 561
14. Loudbob - 456
15. Cluster - 432
16. TwoFace76 - 235
17. Burlsey - 107
18. Sunbirn - 102
19. VidX - 98
20. Free bass - 83
21. Mark128 - 69
22. the_running_man - 28
23. Shining69 - 23
24. BrynHeywood - 22
25. Luke - 2


1. shady - 578,977
2. Jagen - 249,656
3. Borged by MGP - 240,114
4. Meridian - 191,272
5. magman - 127,268
6. Dave Early - 116,396
7. rameen - 75,121
8. Bungle_Bear - 74,095
9. TwoFace76 - 73,394
10. Tolien - 62,568
11. Team Jolt Cola - 47,957
12. Tarazed - 36,203
13. steg - 34,497
14. Biffa - 33,876
15. Raymond Evans - 33,013
16. Geoff - 30,323
17. Team Caffeine - 25,698
18. richard smith - 23,878
19. ab - 23,217
20. stegoman - 22,673
21. ace_dent - 22,290
22. Edmund Haworth - 19,237
23. bobuk - 18,902
24. mark2410 - 18,293
25. Ba - 18,084

Recent Average Credit

1. Jon - 13
2. Chrislip - 3
3. Raymond Evans - 2
4. WillLack - 2
5. TwoFace76 - 2
6. ToxicTBag - 1
7. jeremy - 1


1. ReaVerUK - 87,879
2. Meridian - 58,432
3. SteveT - 56,089
4. Geoff - 50,374
5. Corsair - 37,117
6. Naphtha - 12,971
7. lopkinfop - 4,981
8. DavidM - 3,631
9. ALC - 1,938
10. ToxicTBag - 1,830
11. BrynHeywood - 424

Recent Average Credit

1. SteveT - 610
2. Meridian - 587
3. ReaVerUK - 534
4. Geoff - 110
5. lopkinfop - 68
6. ToxicTBag - 66
7. Corsair - 33
8. BrynHeywood - 2
9. DavidM - 1
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H'excellent news as always sah :D

For the record, I'm a single PC user running the GPU app only (optimised app, if you're collecting that data as well) :)
Thanks for the news TBag, once again top notch. ;)

I've just stomped Marine Iguana. Didn't post a parp as I'm sure that once he sorts his hardware out and is back in full production he'll be flying past me again. In the meantime I'll enjoy cell 26 for my brief stay...... :)
Any chance I could get added to the single pc section( under the name Andrew in set ) no gpu assist

Tis done sah hope i got the right Andrew :)

well my pc's crunching at least.. shame it dont do that much work :P thanks for the news :D

Your welcome, it dont matter how much you crunch the fact your doing something is enough !

Thanks for the news TBag, once again top notch. ;)

I've just stomped Marine Iguana. Didn't post a parp as I'm sure that once he sorts his hardware out and is back in full production he'll be flying past me again. In the meantime I'll enjoy cell 26 for my brief stay...... :)

Nay problem and a nice stomping of Mr Iguana to be sure .... he's a serial slacker these days think we lost him to battlefield 3 ... just kidding A now git cracking :eek::)

Why!!!!!! :(

Theres probably some stuck in your transfer queue if the retry period is over 5 mins highlight and retry those in your transfer list and quick as a flash go back n press your update button .... if you get some new wu's then click the "check network connectivity button" and you should get some more ... seems to have been the order of the day for me today :rolleyes:
Well I have got a few gaming hours to do tonight but rig will be left on now when I am not using it I turned it off this morning first time in a good few months. :D
Well I have got a few gaming hours to do tonight but rig will be left on now when I am not using it I turned it off this morning first time in a good few months. :D

Must admit i joined that steamthingummybobs around christmas time and its been pretty good so far ..... still cannot believe the difference in quality between pc gaming and console it was a real eye opener:)
Can i get my "serious gamer" badge now i thrashed bejewlled 3? Maybe not but Bioshock Infinite is just around the corner am hoping April 1-3rd same time slot for kepler ;)
Well all was well untill this morning boinc had restarted and i had to re-connect to project ??? I did and any gpu tasks i get download as normal when they start go straight to 100 percent in 3-4 seconds, are these extremely short shorties or are they being junked .... hows everyone elses going? :confused::(
Must admit i joined that steamthingummybobs around christmas time and its been pretty good so far ..... still cannot believe the difference in quality between pc gaming and console it was a real eye opener:)
Can i get my "serious gamer" badge now i thrashed bejewlled 3? Maybe not but Bioshock Infinite is just around the corner am hoping April 1-3rd same time slot for kepler ;)

Bout time as well, you needed to discover that gpu's can be used for something other than crunching :D
Cant wait for Bioshock, I loved the first and have just started to play through it again as I picked up the 2nd in the steam sale, so hopefully that will keep me going until Infinite comes out..
Mind you, for all my gaming prowess, i cant match you on the bejewelled front - thats hardcore!!!

Cheers for the news toxic - muchly appreciated
Thought I might as well use my PC for something else than gaming, so I signed up to the team.

Add me to the single PC league, I signed up with the name "Will - will1b". I think it's running GPU assisted, but I don't know.

Currently downloading some stuff to do.

EDIT: For some reason it's only downloading at about 3KBps. This will take a while...
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Welcome to the team will1b.

To see if you are running GPU assisted look on your tasks tab in the application column. If you see any "cuda" units then it is using your GPU. Do you have an Nvidia card?

SETI has been having problems for the last week or so. The downloads are extremely slow if working at all and there's not much work coming through at the moment. Hopefully it will all be sorted out soon.

Any problems or questions post them up in here and someone will help you out.
Hell, it hasn't even downloaded the AstroPulse and other stuff yet.

So I can't check, but I have "Always use GPU" on so I should be working GPU assisted.

EDIT: I'll download some Milkyway@home. Least then I have some work to do.

Joined OCUK there too. OCUK is probably the best forum community I've been in :D

EDIT 2: My drivers are outdated for GPU projects. Update time.

EDIT 3: Drivers updated, and 1 project completed.
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Seems like it. I'm getting an amazing 1KBps for the downloading of astropulse and stuff while I compute some Milkyway@home

I do some astronomy myself so I might even be using some of the 3D models.

EDIT: 7KBps. Seems like a new record for my download speed!
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