SETI@Home & OcUk Projects News Vol. 172 24th March - 30th March 2012

8 Mar 2010

STOMP CLOCK - No teams on the stomping horizon unless we can increase output by 10-15%

Total Credit - 833,652,186

Crunched this week - 4,982,562

Current World Position - 9th

RAC - 790,153

Current RAC Rank - 9th

Members With Credit - 1288

Active Members - 189

Teams Stomped - 0 :(

Teams Stomped By - 0 :D

Splitters - 0 :D

New Members - 1:D


1. SETI.USA - 3,112,030,117
2. SETI.Germany - 2,605,527,362
3. GPU Users Group - 2,298,900,123
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,543,120,569
5. L'Alliance Francophone - 1,328,290,587
6. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 1,094,341,881
7. - 980,538,205
8. Team 2ch - 948,347,176
9. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 833,652,186
10. Czech National Team - 825,046,282
11. BOINC Synergy - 767,020,954
12. Team China - 763,765,556
13. BOINC@Taiwan - 741,320,833
14. Team Starfire - 675,875,771
15. The Planetary Society - 657,105,223
16. Canada - 576,888,729
17. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 576,723,236
18. TeAm AnandTech - 574,911,454
19. Team Starfire World BOINC - 567,168,194
20. US NAVY - 550,845,808

Recent Average Credit

1. GPU Users Group - 5,594,362
2. SETI.Germany - 2,550,240
3. SETI.USA - 2,519,538
4. SETI@Netherlands - 1,551,422
5. - 1,111,310
6. BOINC@Taiwan - 945,684
7. L'Alliance Francophone - 915,853
8. Team 2ch - 894,820
9. OcUK - Overclockers UK - 790,153
10. The Knights Who Say Ni! - 772,561
11. Canada - 735,524
12. BOINC SETI@home RUSSIA - 646,771
13. BOINC@AUSTRALIA - 593,919
14. The Planetary Society - 565,183
15. Team China - 561,170
16. Czech National Team - 502,528
17. Team Starfire - 453,407
18. SAIC: From Science to Solutions - 444,991
19. USA - 437,998
20. BOINC Synergy - 423,424

1. BA - 57,051,694
2. Meridian - 51,241,441
3. ReaVerUK - 45,692,072
4. ToxicTBag - 40,121,042
5. MadMaC - 31,282,096
6. br83taylor - 29,574,277
7. Burlsey - 24,720,312
8. loudbob - 20,997,245
9. Grimgoth - 20,629,972
10. Mr Ludwig - 20,231,953
11. halz - 19,544,102
12. Simon - 18,868,334
13. pnutty - 16,833,133
14. kolala - 16,187,186
15. Ross Graham - 15,466,656
16. CGS - 15,420,481
17. GrandMasterD - 15,232,356
18. k3v - 14,881,626
19. Dave - 14,641,628
20. Dave - 14,422,114

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 73,215
2. derv - 72,187
3. BA - 64,298
4. loudbob - 60,245
5. Tel2 - 55,674
6. br83taylor - 53,211
7. MadMaC - 46,139
8. Ross Graham - 36,042
9. Dave - 27,913
10. GrandMasterD - 24,695
11. Meridian - 20,506
12. kolala - 20,073
13. ToxicTBag - 17,574
14. Chasser - 16,808
15. k3v - 16,653
16. Gordon Proctor - 15,243
17. CGS - 14,256
18. Tom Nunamaker - 12,771
19. garry brown - 10,800
20. eggcup - 9,560

1. Reaver - 45,000,000
2. ToxicTBag - 40,000,000
3. kolala - 16,000,000
4. derv - 4,000,000
5. FluffySheep - 1,250,000
6. will1b - 10,000

1. ReaVerUK - 522,071
2. derv - 442,332
3. loudbob - 387,115
4. br83taylor - 378,708
5. Tel2 - 332,134
6. BA - 316,858
7. MadMaC - 289,309
8. Ross Graham - 247,426
9. GrandMasterD - 173,731
10. Dave - 163,731
11. Meridian - 138,954
12. ToxicTBag - 138,096
13. k3v - 120,200
14. kolala -110,806
15. CGS - 96,175
16. Gordon Proctor - 95,287
17. Tom Nunamaker - 83,173
18. Chasser - 78,512
19. eggcup - 74,213
20. garry brown - 65,825

1. ToxicTBag - 138,096 Gpu assisted
2. k3v - 120,200
3. kolala - 110,806 Gpu assisted
4. eggcup - 74,213 Gpu assisted
5. Nukester - 38,435
6. Culinia - 21,094
7. Pilgrim57 - 20,995
8. Giskard2k - 2,958

Firstly a big thanks to the right honourable Mr derv for stepping in last week and doing the news very much appreciated sah!

Welcome to our latest team member drakioned hope your stay is a long and productive one. As allways if anyone has any questions or problems post them in the latest news thread for a speedy and friendly reply not forgetting to also check the team oc uk website link to see if your efforts have earned you a technicolour marvel fit for display in this very thread .... if you got it show it off!!!

Humongous tiffs abound this week i even managed to get one meself bout time .... slacker .... no wait :o

Right you 'orribble lot myself and others have took on the mantle of doing the news and there's no complaints about it but its also high time people started stepping up to the mark.
True you all have "real lives" but it would not take a great deal of someones time to do the following .....

Seti is a great project and some might argue trying to answer one of the biggest questions of all is the most important. Truth is there is a lot of other worthwhile projects out there too Rosetta - Einstein - Milkyway - Lhc - cpdn for which we include some basic stats alongside the Seti news.

Am thinking it would be a good idea if someone could do some news for whichever project and could post it alongside that projects stats in this news thread. I can do the top 20 and recent average credit bit as normal, all you have to do is some news/general wether the project uses cpu/gpu/both etc and email it to me by late thursday evening and i can copy n paste it into the news on a friday morning so who's going to volunteer and for which project??

Excitement Builds for 1st Private Spaceship Flight to Space Station

Full Article

Billions of Habitable Worlds Likely in the Milky Way

Full Article

In non seti related news ....

Mostly sunny with chance of meteor showers… Met Office set to predict weather in space

Full Article

Mixed Reception For Hitler Loo Roll :eek::eek:

Full Article

All Project Stats

1. halz - 24,870,933
2. Ba - 20,918,570
3. shaf - 7,230,290
4. Simon Pickard - 5,140,602
5. kolala - 4,017,512
6. Stephen Ord - 4,012,276
7. Gordon Proctor - 3,568,368
8. Meridian - 2,265,874
9. sculptor - 2,088,485
10. NightmareXX - 1,974,122
11. hamesy - 1,885,682
12. Jagen - 1,200,564
13. Pumpkinstew - 1,107,815
14. Team Jolt Cola - 1,003,468
15. Graham - 974,803
16. MadMaC - 926,633
17. AdamH - 922,461
18. ReaVerUK - 883,295
19. Tolien - 837,700
20. shady - 786,987

Recent Average Credit

1. halz - 49,093
2. kolala - 16,286
3. hamesy - 11,875
4. Ba - 10,277
5. NightmareXX - 7,505
6. Gordon Proctor - 5,443
7. TheTross - 4,412
8. jonathan kendrick - 4,367
9. Pumpkinstew - 4,153
10. zx|muppet - 3,620
11. William Lack - 3,546
12. ReaVerUK - 3,184
13. Simon Pickard - 3,007
14. Stephen Ord - 2,925
15. sculptor - 2,290
16. Relatively Lawless - 2,168
17. Graham - 2,154
18. Ingleberry - 1,908
19. MartinBen - 1,458
20. Guru - 1,376

1. Ba - 345,984,301
2. Phil - 203,442,677
3. Dean - 59,572,168
4. halz - 53,889,368
5. Peter-B - 42,734,368
6. cyclo - 35,248,448
7. CGS - 33,469,559
8. Lee Dixon - 31,793,025
9. kolala - 18,968,245
10. MadMaC - 16,659,357
11. kli - 14,918,274
12. Mike - 11,685,595
13. loudbob - 8,560,436
14. Pondermotive - 8,469,725
15. NEORED - 8,087,516
16. TwoFace76 - 7,920,310
17. Berserker - 6,201,022
18. Corsair - 4,100,413
19. Hadley Robert Denton - 4,078,047
20. IrritableRabbit - 4,002,751

Recent Average Credit

1. Phil - 719,198
2. NEORED - 356,518
3. Ba - 178,285
4. Dean - 111,712
5. Lee Dixon - 91,454
6. CGS - 55,523
7. the_running_man - 18,571
8. Jon - 14,081
9. jk123 - 8,968
10. Chris - 8,873
11. loudbob - 7,181
12. Jamie - 6,468
13. dreadhead - 5,932
14. Guru - 5,907
15. Hadley Robert Denton - 5,834
16. Andy - 5,247
17. Ingleberry - 5,142
18. Biffa - 4,286
19. colinmcr - 4,182
20. Michael - 3,558

1. Burlsey - 5,716,305
2. sculptor - 2,066,860
3. magman - 1,862,738
4. NightmareXX - 1,607,525
5. SourChipmunk - 1,275,661
6. Berserker - 1,181,714
7. br83taylor - 1,042,361
8. Team Jolt Cola - 983,386
9. kolala - 963,226
10. Green Pig - 954,554
11. Biffa - 871,170
12. Steve - 825,471
13. Bigstan - 724,313
14. Jonathan J D - 655,695
15. Simon - 579,582
16. Pilgrim57 - 536,313
17. jondi_hanluc - 462,498
18. James - 441,474
19. Borged by MGP - 414,512
20. Russell - 395,466

Recent Average Credit

1. Remos - 5,164
2. kolala - 3,085
3. Area 51 - 2,677
4. Steve - 2,269
5. sculptor - 2,086
6. NEORED - 1,201
7. SourChipmunk - 1,170
8. Biffa - 1,090
9. dekez - 941
10. verba - 734
11. TheMongoose - 731
12. Pilgrim57 - 701
13. the_running_man - 585
14. Jonathan J D - 488
15. JoeyJoJo - 414
16. David - 397
17. loudbob - 337
18. Chasser - 264
19. Sean - 246
20. tjluk - 227

1. ed2353 - 7,124,761
2. Ba - 6,687,281
3. nedsram-cdl - 6,327,555
4. Cluster - 3,476,789
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,978,188
6. sculptor - 2,662,254
7. Burlsey - 2,620,826
8. bully - 2,503,857
9. << The_Max STi >> - 2,428,364
10. Team Jolt Cola - 1,967,368
11. William Lack - 1,925,643
12. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 1,723,584
13. shady - 1,645,057
14. rameen - 1,410,676
15. Berserker - 1,284,706
16. Zarniwoop - 1,059,747
17. Martin - 1,053,679
18. Ash - 1,033,724
19. Mr Ludwig - 1,007,340
20. NightmareXX - 895,810

Recent Average Credit

1. Ba - 30,540
2. ed2353 - 7,136
3. Jonathan Jeffrey Davis - 3,254
4. nedsram-cdl - 2,950
5. Pilgrim57 - 2,154
6. William Lack - 2,041
7. sculptor- 2,010
8. Guru - 1,386
9. Ash - 1,263
10. dekez - 1,043
11. Martin - 582
12. TwoFace76 - 545
13. JoeyJoJo - 460
14. TheUberGeek - 342
15. Mark128 - 180
16. Jackal - 172
17. Burlsey - 149
18. shady - 135
19. New Eden - 49
20. Sunbirn - 24


1. shady - 578,977
2. Jagen - 249,656
3. Borged by MGP - 240,114
4. Meridian - 191,272
5. magman - 127,268
6. Dave Early - 116,396
7. rameen - 75,121
8. Bungle_Bear - 74,095
9. TwoFace76 - 73,467
10. Tolien - 62,568
11. Team Jolt Cola - 47,957
12. Tarazed -36,203
13. steg - 34,497
14. Biffa - 33,876
15. Raymond Evans - 33,047
16. Geoff - 30,323
17. Team Caffeine - 25,698
18. richard smith - 23,878
19. ab - 23,217
20. stegoman - 22,673

Recent Average Credit

1. TwoFace76 - 6
2. jeremy - 3
3. Duncey - 2
4. Jez - 2
5. Chrislip - 1
6. Shining69 - 1


1. ReaVerUK - 111,475
2. Meridian - 76,993
3. SteveT - 70,863
4. Geoff - 65,337
5. Corsair - 41,754
6. Ingleberry - 17,376
7. Naphtha - 12,971
8. lopkinfop - 4,981
9. DavidM - 4,899
10. ALC - 1,938
11. ToxicTBag -1,830
12. BrynHeywood - 671

Recent Average Credit

1. ReaVerUK - 864
2. Meridian - 420
3. SteveT - 280
4. Corsair - 179
5. Ingleberry - 176
6. Geoff - 82
7. DavidM - 52
8. BrynHeywood - 3
9. lopkinfop - 2
10. ToxicTBag - 2
Thank you for the news Mr TTB.

I'm not on any projects other than SETI but you know I'm always happy to help out with the news when you need a stand in.

Anyone else having problems downloading WUs? I've got a ton of tasks in my transfer list and they need constant restarting to get any work down.
Cheers for the news TTB, h'excellent work as always sah :)

Anyone else having problems downloading WUs? I've got a ton of tasks in my transfer list and they need constant restarting to get any work down.

Downloading WUs is often a problem with SETI - sometimes it's like pulling teeth. However, if you haven't done already it may help if you downgrade your BOINC version to 6.10.x, as I think the newest version (6.12.34) has problems getting SETI WUs.
Thank you for the news Mr TTB.

I'm not on any projects other than SETI but you know I'm always happy to help out with the news when you need a stand in.

Anyone else having problems downloading WUs? I've got a ton of tasks in my transfer list and they need constant restarting to get any work down.

Aye and thats appreciated just feel as though the other projects should get some news too fingers crossed someone might want to do something there is a lot of time and effort going into the likes of milkyway and einstein c'mon peeps just a few paragraphs it might help to generate interest :)

Somewhere to air your stompyness and warn your teammates they are about to be demoted ..... how can you resist ;)

As TheTross says try 6.10.58 i have tried the new version but allways go back to this when work is slow coming down and 9 times out of ten voila plenty of wu's :)
I've been using 6.10.60 since last week... should I be on .58? It looked like .58 was for MAC and Linux users. I'm too thick to use anything other than Windows :p

I'm being assigned WUs on 6.10 which was always a problem on the latest version, but it often ends up with "project backoff" and my rig runs out of work to crunch quite quickly.

And in very serious news I am issuing a parp to ReaverUK. According to the stats I'm taking you down within the next 216 years. *goes away to practice evil laugh*

:rolleyes: :D

I've been using 6.10.60 since last week... should I be on .58? It looked like .58 was for MAC and Linux users. I'm too thick to use anything other than Windows :p

I'm being assigned WUs on 6.10 which was always a problem on the latest version, but it often ends up with "project backoff" and my rig runs out of work to crunch quite quickly.

And in very serious news I am issuing a parp to ReaverUK. According to the stats I'm taking you down within the next 216 years. *goes away to practice evil laugh*

:rolleyes: :D

Morning Dave :)

yes i would certainly try 6.10.58 i am on it now and no shortage of wu's , mind you i think they are implementing some new fangle wu restriction along the lines of you can only get so many per gpu or something :rolleyes::)

Thought i was seing things there thats mahoosive just had to see it twice to be sure!!
Damn fine work PhilthyPhil :D
Very nice Einstein tiffy you have there Mr kolala sah impressive!!!
Wish everyone would post their tiffy achievements from whichever project would help keep the news thread alive and kicking :)
Glad you like it. I'm also honing in on a 1 million Rosetta tiffy. Should have it in just over a week.
They are the hardest to come by, we only only have 7 Rosetta millionaires in the team.
So PARP to Team Jolt Cola I'm gonna grab that Number 8 Cell :D
Getting closer to the big 5m


Some very impressive tiffys this week. PhilthyPhil that is just incredible. I think you must have mapped 95% of the milkyway yourself with output like that :D
I may have to power down the big rig tomorrow.......

Just had a confirmation email that the waterblocks for the 680's should be here Wednesday and assuming everything else arrives as planned I should be busy :D

Will probably take this opportunity to clean out the cpu loop too - so i'll try and get a few photo's put togethor during the rebuild.


I can now confirm that the GTX 680's are no better than the GTX 560 Ti's in SETI :(

So, unless this is actually down to drivers and Opt App's (and not due to the reduced GPGPU performace of this incarnation of Kepler) - I see no point in the purchase of these cards (Keplers) for anything other than gaming.
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I can now confirm that the GTX 680's are no better than the GTX 560 Ti's in SETI :(

So, unless this is actually down to drivers and Opt App's (and not due to the reduced GPGPU performace of this incarnation of Kepler) - I see no point in the purchase of these cards (Keplers) for anything other than gaming.

In that case I'm definately digging through the MM looking for a second card for my rig. Now, if I could just get enough damn WUs to keep me busy...

In that case I'm definately digging through the MM looking for a second card for my rig. Now, if I could just get enough damn WUs to keep me busy...


Yup, definatly a good idea to wait and see if the drivers/opt apps mature to take advantage of Kepler (if possible).
I may have to power down the big rig tomorrow.......

Just had a confirmation email that the waterblocks for the 680's should be here Wednesday and assuming everything else arrives as planned I should be busy :D

Will probably take this opportunity to clean out the cpu loop too - so i'll try and get a few photo's put togethor during the rebuild.


I can now confirm that the GTX 680's are no better than the GTX 560 Ti's in SETI :(

So, unless this is actually down to drivers and Opt App's (and not due to the reduced GPGPU performace of this incarnation of Kepler) - I see no point in the purchase of these cards (Keplers) for anything other than gaming.

Look forward to those pics Mr Loudbob sah :)

Thats not so good news about the production power of the 680 but at least you will have a kickass gaming rig for years to come or maybe even sell one or is it too late to dsr depending how you feel about it.:(
Look forward to those pics Mr Loudbob sah :)

Thats not so good news about the production power of the 680 but at least you will have a kickass gaming rig for years to come or maybe even sell one or is it too late to dsr depending how you feel about it.:(

Me thinks I'll keep hold of these four (yes, four :D) and see how things pan out.....

Plus, it's about time I finished the RE3 project - which this will now do.

i7 990x & 4 x GTX680's in tri-sli & Physx all wc'd.

you never know - they might come good..... miracles can happen
The 'word on the street' has indicated that the 680s may well have a potentially useful performance gain. Unfortunately, nVidia has changed the physical architecture of the GPU a great deal (between Fermi & Kepler) - and has apparently kept their development community completely in the dark as to the real implications and detail of the design changes - and in terms of supplying an appropriate suite of tools to leverage the new design (even for those who have 'signed' an NDA).:confused:

I wouldn't write off future performance gains on these cards yet but for S@H, its going to take some considerable time for the apps to be truly optimised for the 6 series. Considering that the Lunatics crowd are the only ones writing code specifically for CUDA S@H processing (effectively, they are maintaining the S@H CUDA code branch) - its going to take them a while to get to grips with the card's potential performance gains without locking out the previous genrations. :(

nVidia has strongly hinted that this card unlike the 4 & 5 series, has been focused purely on graphics processing capability and that they have deliberately not optimised the card's design for GPU processing (unlike Fermi). Personally, I have a really, really nasty feeling that nVidia could abandon performance optimisd GPU processing on its mainstream graphics cards - expecting people to buy the (expensive) TESLA or Quadro versions if that's their bag.:eek: I have nothing to back this last statement up with other than a feeling somewhere rather sensitive - and that doesn't feel very pleasant :eek:
I guess from a buisness point of view it would make sense but it can only hurt the people who are looking to crunch large amouunts of work, thanks for that Mr Area51 sah :)
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