Setpoint and Catalyst Inompatability Issues on Windows XP 64bit?

21 Oct 2002
Ive been running 64bit for about a year now, and im loving it. Driver support has been excellent and all of the supported hardware works properly.

Until now....

I bought a G5 last week because logitech have great support for 64bit software + drivers.

I ran the latest setpoint software from logitech (247 64bit), all went well until it was installed, i got an immediate error with CLI.exe (ati catalyst software) something about _malloc, cant recall as ive removed the driver.

Originally i thought it could be the .net fix screwing up, so i uninstalled that, but i still got the problem, also catalyst needs .net.

So it seems to me that catalyst has a problem with setpoint, as ive removed the setpoint software and everything is fine, i just cant fine tune my mouse :(

Can anyone offer any advice on this, or whether theyve experienced the same thing?

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