Setting up a FTP.

22 Oct 2006

I recently brought a dedi box, for CSS, i've got servers installed. But i need to be able to access the whole server/root (if poss) through a FTP, so i can upload maps, sounds, and the like.

Anyone got a easy guide to set it all up?

BTW its centos core 5, no GUI, just cmdline.

sftp is easiest in my experience. You simply install ssh, which you've probably already done or it was already on there. You then, from Windows, use a program like WinSCP or Filezilla to transfer files over that secure link. It couldn't be easier. Point Filezilla to port 22 of the machine, connect, and start transferring.
SFTP is just an extension of the SSH protocol to enable secure fle transfers.

Download Putty if main machine is a Windows box and connect to the target machine with that. There is a file transfer facility built in to Putty.
Since SSH is most likely already on the server (how else would you be configuring it?) all you need to do is install Filezilla on your end.

Click File > Site Manager > New Site
In the Host field enter the IP address or domain name of your server. Under Server Type enter SFTP using SSH2. Under Logon type select account. Enter your username and password. Click connect. It should take you into your remote home directory. Begin transferring. :)
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