settings perhaps

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
Hi all

I was just wondering.

Yesterday spent the whole day at work pretty much playing with the cam(minolta dynax 7d - with a sigma 80- 210 lens)

The camera is for work, so boss was happy that i spent the day getting used to it lol

Any way
took some pics in side, and was getting lots of shake (even with our cheap tripod - got to look for a better one soon) the shake icon was coming on the cam, bu tmost of the pics seemed ok, needs lots of practice till I will call them acceptable.

Went outside to take some pics.

With the ISO at 100 (saw that on one of the threads here) I seemed to be able to reduce the shake effect and get soem nice pics (for me at least) of flowers and the like.

But when one of my co-workers came out I took a few of her and they seemed a little blury round the edges on some.

The pics directly from the camera are 3 meg files, so I guess I need to reduce them to post them here

for manipulation I am using MGI Photsuite 3
is that genearally accpetable (its a pretty simply proggy) or shoudl I really be moving up to the more advanced program


ok just tried to insert a pic here, and realised i dont have a clue how to do it lol

Time to start searching host for my pics i guess
I would guess that you had the ISO setting too low for indoor photography. You would be best setting it in the region of 400/800. This will increase the amount of light the sensor reads which in turn will increase the shutter speed eliminating the shake.

Outdoors, depending on the light available try setting it in the region of ISO200.

You will get shake at 1/60s below, unless you have a very sturdy hand.
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ok sorted my photbucket out (new i had registered at one time)

first pic

second one

remember i am a newbie to the lvl of 2 days with dslr, so I will improve over time, i hope
Read the manual - The 7D camera has a built in Anti-Shake stabilization system so you have no excuse for blurred photos from camera shake :)
yeah i turned that on, and all it seems to do is, noit let me take the pic if im not steady.

was expecting more from it really. but liek i say there are an awful lot of settings to learn, took me about 2 hours to find the Autofocus button lol

The manual that came with it was very vague, but there is a CD manual, I guess I should take the time to go through that, will probably save me a lot of time, and save you all reading a lot of stupid question posts here, but well I will hold my hands up, I am still far too interested in getting the cam and just playing.
The system works by analyzing input from motion detectors in the camera body and producing an inverse movement on the sensor so if you are struggling to hold steady (ish) then it will cause delays.

Also remember the shutter speed to match focal length rule. So if you are using your lens at 200mm then you should be using a 1/200 shutter speed. The Anti-Shake system will provide you with some leeway from this but it's best to start using the correct shutter speeds and work down when you gain more experience.

The best posture for steady shots is support the underneath of the lens with your left hand and use your right hand to hold the camera.
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thanks for the tips.

very gratefull (just waiting for the battery to charge up now so i can play some more)
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