Most things have been decided on, just a few loose ends I need tidying up before buying... and I need to do this by thursday! 
Just going for essentials here, no bling - I can always add that later.
I'll cut straight to it:
I already have a monitor - 2009wa, so that's not needed.
I also have a WD 500GB scorpio blue, to use in the icybox enclosure (see below), which will be mounted in the front vertical 3.5" bay.
From OCUK,
i5 750
Corsair H50
G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB DDR3 PC3-12800C8
Noiseblocker MF12-P - for the H50 rad
Windows 7 Home Premium retail
From competitors,
Silverstone SG03 Black
Gigabyte P55M UD4
XFX GTX260 black (55nm)- this or a 4890? they're about the same price, but note, I don't want any red colour!
Sony AD-7240S-0B
500GB Samsung F3
Icy Box IB-290StUSD-B
Silverstone Sugo pack
Logitech G9
Logitech K300 compact keyboard
Sennheiser HD595 - I have had these before, but ended up giving them to my brother as he needed them at the time. Playing safe here!
GearGrip Ballistic LCD Carrier Widescreen
Items and ideas I am undecided on,
Some of this ties into one thing - what power supply, whether I should cut a blowhole in the back of the case, where and how to mount the H50 radiator. Looking at this build (see over on hardforum for the thread), it's been mounted on the front.
If I mount it on the front - intake or exhaust?
If intake, either I get a PSU with a large (135/140mm) fan to help with exhaust (ie silverstone ST70F) and face it inwards, or I cut a hole in the roof and get something like the corsair HX650W.
Then there's the option of fitting an exhaust fan in the top pci slot, but I want to avoid that (potentially noisy) route. Will the h50 rad and a fan even fit onto a top exhaust? It looks a little tight from pictures.
I suppose the best route would be to cut a blowhole and mount the rad up there, freeing up the two fans at the front as intakes, but then which way should the psu face? At least this way, I won't feel obliged to buy a psu based on the size of its fan, but can go for the corsair hx650w.
I plan to build this friday/saturday, and need it finished, up and running by then, so fewer modifications would be nice, but if it is a good idea to cut the hole in the roof then I'll do it, bearing in mind I haven't done anything like that before (so I need to buy some tools. Based on reading around I'm thinking a cheap jigsaw, a suitable blade, a hand file, and some masking tape. Already have a drill.).
Then what fans to mount on the front? Should I have them hooked up to a fan controller such as the Silverstone FP33S (using the pci backplate) or get pwm fans and get this and hook them all to the cpu fan header on the motherboard?
Another one is soundcard. I have an x-fi xtrememusic at home that I've had for a couple of years (haven't used it with vista), but would it be worth using this? I'm thinking windows 7 drivers. How would the asus xonar d2 comare, and would it be worth buying? Note, I intend to use the headphones unamped for now.
I suppose the main question is about the airflow and good ways to set it up.
Comments, criticism welcome.

Just going for essentials here, no bling - I can always add that later.
I'll cut straight to it:
I already have a monitor - 2009wa, so that's not needed.
I also have a WD 500GB scorpio blue, to use in the icybox enclosure (see below), which will be mounted in the front vertical 3.5" bay.
From OCUK,
i5 750
Corsair H50
G.Skill Ripjaws 4GB DDR3 PC3-12800C8
Noiseblocker MF12-P - for the H50 rad
Windows 7 Home Premium retail
From competitors,
Silverstone SG03 Black
Gigabyte P55M UD4
XFX GTX260 black (55nm)- this or a 4890? they're about the same price, but note, I don't want any red colour!

Sony AD-7240S-0B
500GB Samsung F3
Icy Box IB-290StUSD-B
Silverstone Sugo pack
Logitech G9
Logitech K300 compact keyboard
Sennheiser HD595 - I have had these before, but ended up giving them to my brother as he needed them at the time. Playing safe here!

GearGrip Ballistic LCD Carrier Widescreen
Items and ideas I am undecided on,
Some of this ties into one thing - what power supply, whether I should cut a blowhole in the back of the case, where and how to mount the H50 radiator. Looking at this build (see over on hardforum for the thread), it's been mounted on the front.
If I mount it on the front - intake or exhaust?
If intake, either I get a PSU with a large (135/140mm) fan to help with exhaust (ie silverstone ST70F) and face it inwards, or I cut a hole in the roof and get something like the corsair HX650W.
Then there's the option of fitting an exhaust fan in the top pci slot, but I want to avoid that (potentially noisy) route. Will the h50 rad and a fan even fit onto a top exhaust? It looks a little tight from pictures.
I suppose the best route would be to cut a blowhole and mount the rad up there, freeing up the two fans at the front as intakes, but then which way should the psu face? At least this way, I won't feel obliged to buy a psu based on the size of its fan, but can go for the corsair hx650w.
I plan to build this friday/saturday, and need it finished, up and running by then, so fewer modifications would be nice, but if it is a good idea to cut the hole in the roof then I'll do it, bearing in mind I haven't done anything like that before (so I need to buy some tools. Based on reading around I'm thinking a cheap jigsaw, a suitable blade, a hand file, and some masking tape. Already have a drill.).
Then what fans to mount on the front? Should I have them hooked up to a fan controller such as the Silverstone FP33S (using the pci backplate) or get pwm fans and get this and hook them all to the cpu fan header on the motherboard?
Another one is soundcard. I have an x-fi xtrememusic at home that I've had for a couple of years (haven't used it with vista), but would it be worth using this? I'm thinking windows 7 drivers. How would the asus xonar d2 comare, and would it be worth buying? Note, I intend to use the headphones unamped for now.
I suppose the main question is about the airflow and good ways to set it up.
Comments, criticism welcome.