SG03 Owners - FDD Plate

5 Mar 2003
How in God's name do you put this plate back in? I can't seem to get it to fit due to the HDD connectors (both power and sata). It's not even close to fitting. When I take the connections off and fit the plate, there is no way to get the connectors back on as everything is sealed.

Anyone out there managed this?
hehe - yeah its my thread :p I, for once, had a brain wave while attempting to do it again. Think it depends on your hdd whether you need to do it or not. For the WDs it is certainly required.
Will be interesting how you get on with your build.... which motherboard / heatsink will you be using? :)
I got them in by magic....

Well, a lot of struggling. I had to send the power connectors down below the fdd thing and have the veloci raptor closist to the back as the connectors are too central to ahve it in the front bay. To get the sata ones in i had to use the non right angled ones and send them down first to make the tight angle (didnt think of turning the hard drive over though...)
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