Shadowrun Hong Kong

9 Jan 2011
Just a heads up, the new Shadowrun game is released today, Shadowrun Hong Kong.

Apparently it is just more of the same with a few tweaks, so if it is in the same league as Dragonfall I'll be over the moon! I have just bought it and I'm downloading it now.

Anyone else planning on playing it?...Impressions?

Edit- Should have bought it on Steam. At the rate GOG is downloading the 11gb, I won't be playing it until Christmas!
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Never played Dragonfall so that is downloading now, if I enjoy that I will be getting Hong King. Looks like my type of game :D
Yeah I loved SR:R and Dragonfall was fun too, so I kickstarted HK. Playing as a Mage which is a new class for me. Haven't got that far in but early signs are good - like the three new NPCs I've met, love the new spirits you can summon (though somewhat OP in the two encounters I've summoned) and can't wait to try out the new Decking.
Defintely picking this up at some point but I have too much to play at the moment. Really enjoyed Dragonfall.
An hour and a half after beginning the download, I am 18% done...Should have learned my lesson to be fair not to buy from GOG if I want to play it tonight!

Yeah I loved SR:R and Dragonfall was fun too, so I kickstarted HK. Playing as a Mage which is a new class for me. Haven't got that far in but early signs are good - like the three new NPCs I've met, love the new spirits you can summon (though somewhat OP in the two encounters I've summoned) and can't wait to try out the new Decking.

From what I have seen in screenshots the environments look a lot more detailed?
Impressed with the new things I have seen so far. I think the presentation is much improved, and I really like the new ambush system. Not too keen on giving the PC so much of a back story though tbh. Not a fan of that in an rpg. The sound is much improved also, especially the ambient sound effects.

I'm playing a class I've never played before - chi caster as I thought it sounded interesting.

Looking great, I hope it lives up to the quality of Dragonfall all the way through... And s few more little scenes like the start would be very welcome!
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Backed this on kickstarter as a result of Shadowfall being such a solid game.

Forgot about it 'til today, downloading now!
A few further thoughts -

Decking is a lot better imo, with the avoiding the enemies much better than the poor combat from previous games, and the hacking is pretty cool too.
Writing is good so far. Not quite Dragonfall level, but good.
Environments look really nice.
Still a disappointing lack of interaction with the environment, and NPCs are all still lifeless.
A bit of extra freedom in choosing missions is very welcome.
The running animation is appalling!
Also, unbelievably, there is still no healing outside of combat!!

Played about 4 hours so far and I am enjoying it.
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Also, unbelievably, there is still no healing outside of combat!!

Hmm I think you can heal outside of combat using med-packs - just activate them from someone's inventory and you should get a choice on who gets healed. That's the way it worked in Dragonfall anyway. You can't use the mage heal spell because that only heals the last amount of damage you got hit for so it wouldn't make sense to let you cast it out of combat since everyone gets a free heal anyway when combat ends.

Had my first go at decking last night - I like it as well, feels more like hacking should be - more about stealth than brute force.
Impressed with the new things I have seen so far. I think the presentation is much improved, and I really like the new ambush system. Not too keen on giving the PC so much of a back story though tbh. Not a fan of that in an rpg. The sound is much improved also, especially the ambient sound effects.

Decided to play this next as I finished up Batman. Played a couple of hours now and this pretty much sums up my thoughts about it so far. I don't like when they add that much story to your history, I just prefer to invent it myself. On the flip side though the well crafted backstory seems to carry over to the non PC's. I really love how well they express the characters emotions and reactions before you read what they say, they did it very well in Dragonfall and they seem to have improved on it even more. The eastern style music is really nice.
Sometimes the way they describe things(not in interactions with npcs) annoys me though... I walked in to a shop and clicked on something and it came up with something like "the shop is covered in mechanical equipment and there are wires hanging down from everywhere". I was just thinking that was pointless....I know, I can see it!
Getting very bored of the combat tbh. The say healing is done is so poor I am surprised it hasn't been improved.

I just tried a fight 3 times where I was against 4 opponents and they just killed my PC before I had a chance to do anything... And I don't have any of the things that revive you so that's that.

You can heal outside of combat... But you can't tell how much health you have(or if you can the awful ui does a good job of hiding it!)

Outside of combat, which hasn't been great in any of the games tbh it is good.
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