Shall we play a game? Ebay tape library

18 Oct 2002
SX, unfortunately
Had a slight hiccup yesterday - not really sure why but I clicked on "buy now" on a Dell TL4000 tape library - 152003768129 - Was intending to see how many bonus Nectar points I'd get if I bought it, without realising I was actually buying it. Yes I could say I didn't want it and potentially get an unpaid strike, but I sent a message asking what LTO drive was in it. The answer came back "LTO-5, I think". So I've taken the gamble - seller has been on ebay a couple of years but not sold much, very little description and one rubbish photo. I'm not expecting much.

So, what do people think I'll get? Nothing? A pile of scrap? A stonking bargain?

If it has an SAS drive I can connect it up, if it has FC I've not got any HBAs. Only tapes I have are old DLTs so can't even try that.

Place your bets :D
I've got plenty of rack space for it - assuming it comes with the rack mount kit...

edit: sorry just saw you put 42u not 4u - THAT would be an issue!
Last edited:
It is a poor one isn't it. I've had replies to a couple of queries from the seller so I think I'm going to get something. I've done a ton of recent unexpected overtime at work so if I do come up bust I can still feed the family :o

Wouldn't normally go near an ad like it so no idea why I did this time...
Thanks - no pci-x though :(

I'm told I should have it by the end of Friday. I think it's more likely to be FC, which would be a shame as the server I want to hang it off has run out of slots but has a couple of spare external SAS ports (yes I know you shouldn't mix HDD and Tape on a single HBA but it would be for testing only).

I'm secretly hoping for a bargain, but not expecting much really.
This has also crossed my mind - but then I'd go down the not as described route as one of the few words in the ad is "functional".
The manual implies it's quite easy to remove a drive - but if you've got to try and get it to spit a tape out first that could take ages I guess. I've not used tapes since DLT IV - RDX the last few years which are HDDs in a cartridge so it' s going to be a learning curve if I end up using it.

I have a (valid) tracking number. Delivery by parcel farce tomorrow so proably smashed to smithereens :D
Well it's here :)

Medium win I think.

It's out of warranty (not a surprise)
It's FC (not a surprise - knew I should have pre-emptively ordered an HBA)
It's LTO-4 not 5 (boo hiss but better than 3!)
It's not got rack rails
It's got two HH drives
It appears to be in great condition
It came with two tapes - says unencrypted (no encryption licence with it - I presume the software that may have written to the tapes could have been encrypted)
The SNMP trap sends to a certain blue low cost airline from Ireland
The email notifications were set to send to an NHS address
There's no errors in the logs.

So I don't think I'll keep it, but should be able to make my money back possibly with a bit on top - assuming it passes diagnostics when I get the HBA.
Once I've run the full diagnostic and all is well I'll probably sell one drive, and if that goes for decent money, sell the other drive. If that nets enough for an LTO5 drive I may do that.
Got it all connected up, ran health tests on both drives, all passed, speeds showing as 109 and 111 MB/S. Currently running a full write test (512kb incompressible) on the first drive and it was sitting on 113 for quite a while. Home drom work now and it's down to 108. Don't know if that's a bad sign?
Second drive still showing 113 so far. I'm having a nose at the log for the first drive but really not familiar with what I'm looking at!
See if this works...

===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 02: Write Error Counters  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 02: Write Error Counters
 PAGE LENGTH                         : 76
 Total Corrected Errors              : 0
 Total Write Retries                 : 0
 Total Write Kb Processed            : 21484544
 Total Uncorrected Errors            : 0


===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 03: Read Error Counters  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 03: Read Error Counters
 PAGE LENGTH                         : 68
 Total Corrected Errors              : 0
 Total Read Retries                  : 0
 Total Read Kb Processed             : 1
 Total Uncorrected Errors            : 0


===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 06: Non-Medium Errors  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 06: Non-Medium Errors
 PAGE LENGTH                         : 8
 Total Non-Medium Err Cnt            : 0


===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 06: Non-Medium Errors  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 06: Non-Medium Errors
 PAGE LENGTH                         : 8
 Total Non-Medium Err Cnt            : 0


===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 14: Device Statistics  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 14: Device Statistics

 #NO  PARAM CODE                           PARAM VALUE 
 1    Lifetime Media Loads                 1305
 2    Lifetime Cleaning Op.                19
 3    Lifetime POH                         11882
 4    Lifetime MMH                         2577
 5    Lt Meters Tape Processed             18754525
 6    Lt MMH Incompatib. Media             0
 7    Lt POH Temperature Cond.             0
 8    Lt POH Power Cons.Cond.              0
 9    MMH since last Clean                 1
 10   MMH since 2-last Clean               98
 11   MMH since 3-last Clean               105
 12   Lt POH Forced Reset/Eject            0
 13   Lifetime Power Cycles                19
 14   Volume Loads since last P. Reset     0
 15   Hard Write Errors                    0
 16   Hard Read Errors                     0
 17   Duty Cycle Sample Time               0
 18   Read Duty Cycle                      0
 19   Write Duty Cycle                     0
 20   Activity Duty Cycle                  0
 21   Volume Not Present Duty Cycle        0
 22   Ready Duty Cycle                     0
 23   Drive MFG Serial Number              1068006832
 24   Drive Serial Number                  1068006832
 25   Medium Removal Prevented             0
 26   Max. Recom. Mechanism Temp. Exceeded 0

 #NO Density Code    Medium Type      Media Motion Hours 
 1   Ultrium 3       Ultrium 3        1
 2   Ultrium 3       Ultrium 3 WORM   0
 3   Ultrium 4       Ultrium 4        1455
 4   Ultrium 4       Ultrium 4 WORM   0
 5   Ultrium 5       Ultrium 5        1123
 6   Ultrium 5       Ultrium 5 WORM   0

 #NO **** Legend **** Cond= Condition Lt  = Lifetime MMH = Media Motion Hours **** End of Legend **** 


===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Log Sense PAGE: 16: Tape Diagnostic Data  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 PAGE                                : 16: Tape Diagnostic Data
 PAGE LENGTH                         : 864
 **** Legend ****                    : 
 Lt  = Lifetime                      : 
 MMH = Media Motion Hours            : 
 **** End of Legend ****             : 

 #NO  Param  Density Code    Medium Type      Lt MMH   Repeat+SK                                ASC+ASCQ                                                Last FSC                              Last Flag  Prod.Rev.Lvl  Hrs s.last Clean  Op.Code  Serv.Action  Medium ID Number        Time Orig.                      Timestamp         
 1    0000h  Ultrium 5       Ultrium 5        0        03: Medium Error                         3001 Unknown Format                                     2C0B: Invalid Catridge Type Value     9212h      42313731h     0                 1Bh      00h          A9A4C5FWT6              Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 f8 ab
 2    0001h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 3    0002h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 4    0003h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 5    0004h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 6    0005h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 7    0006h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 8    0007h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 9    0008h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 10   0009h  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 11   000Ah  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00
 12   000Bh  00h             None/Ultrium 1   0        00: No Sense                             0000 No Additional Sense                                0000: No Error Detected               0000h      00000000h     0                 00h      00h                                  Initialized to zero at Power-on 00 00 00 00 00 00

I think it all looks ok?
Ah, found this, but can't find where in the log it gives more data

===>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ITDT Parsing Summary  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<===
 Dump Parsing Result                 : WARNING
 #NO  Event Type              Parsing Result Description                                        
 1    Checking Dump structure PASSED         Final Dump Element detected
 2    Checking Dump structure PASSED         Glob count:216
 3    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         DUMP Header
 4    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         VPD
 5    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         VPD SCSI Log
 6    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         VPD Mount History
 7    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Cartridge Memory Header
 8    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         CM Cartridge MFG
 9    Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         CM Media MFG Info
 10   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         CM Initialization Data
 11   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         CM Mount History
 12   Decoding Binary Data    WARNING        Log Sense decoding with Pad Bytes 10failed
 13   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 00: Supported Pages
 14   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 02: Write Error Counters
 15   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 03: Read Error Counters
 16   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 06: Non-Medium Errors
 17   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 06: Non-Medium Errors
 18   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 11: DT Device Status
 19   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 12: Tape Alert Response
 20   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 13: Requested Recovery
 21   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 14: Device Statistics
 22   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 16: Tape Diagnostic Data
 23   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 17: Volume Statistics
 24   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 17: Volume Statistics
 25   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 17: Volume Statistics
 26   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 17FFh
 27   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 1A: Power Condition Transitions
 28   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 1B: Data Compression
 29   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 30   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 31   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 32   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 33   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 34   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 35   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 36   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 37   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 38   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 39   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 40   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 41   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 42   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 43   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 44   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 45   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 46   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 47   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 48   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 49   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 50   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 51   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 52   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 53   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 54   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 55   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 56   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 57   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 58   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 59   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 60   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 61   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 62   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 63   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 64   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 65   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 66   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 67   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 68   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 69   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 2E: Tape Alert
 70   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 30: Tape Usage Log
 71   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 31: Tape Capacity
 72   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 32: Data Compression
 73   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 33: Write Errors
 74   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 33: Write Errors
 75   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 34: Read Forward Errors
 76   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 34: Read Forward Errors
 77   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 37: Performance Characteristics
 78   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 37: Performance Characteristics
 79   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 37: Performance Characteristics
 80   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 38: Blocks/Bytes Transferred
 81   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 38: Blocks/Bytes Transferred
 82   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 39: Host Port 0 Interface Errors
 83   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense PAGE: 39: Host Port 0 Interface Errors
 84   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         Log Sense
 85   Decoding Binary Data    PASSED         Log Sense decoding retry with 400 Pad Bytes passes
 86   Adding to Eventlist     PASSED         HW Config
 87   Decoding Binary Data    PASSED         Passing complete 82 eventlist elements
The second drive is still chuntering along at 111MB/S so a couple of MB/S quicker than the first drive was at this point.
Second drive has very similar results as the first one - no errors but the same warning. Speed at the end was 111MB/S so slightly faster than the first drive. Tried googling the warning but haven't got anywhere so far, will try the user guide for IDTD when I've woken up a bit more....
Apart from that warning on both drives, all the tests I've run have passed, including on the robot side. Think I might have a play with it and VEEAM next :)
Oh sorry :)



Excuse the cabling, I had to remove some of the cable management to get a 4U lump in!
Hmm, trying to use it for some FC learning - at present I'm trying to get it to talk to a VM through Hyper-V server. But installing the drivers on the host is proving difficult. It just says this version of windows not supported :(
Hmm, not convinced it's going to be similar - from what I can see you were trying to install to an OS that wasn't supported, whereas I am trying to install to a variant of an OS that IS supported - 6.3 (2012 R2) is in the INF, but it's hyper-v server specifically that is being picked up on:

ERR: Installer.cpp(400) : GetWindowsVersion-> This version of Windows is not sup
ported: Hyper-V Server 2012 R2.
EXT: Installer.cpp(408) : GetWindowsVersion-> Returning: 0
ERR: DllMain.cpp(292) : ProcessInstallError-> Current Windows version is not sup
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