She fell asleep!

She probably didn't fall asleep at all, she was obviously with her other bloke and didn't want to stop the proceedings to answer a text.
eidolon said:
She probably didn't fall asleep at all, she was obviously with her other bloke and didn't want to stop the proceedings to answer a text.

LMFAO!!! omg burn! :p

or maybe she thought your were pervy and just ignored you.
qwerty said:
She asked if she could make up for it tonight. I said no. :)

she'll make up for it, by going to sleep earlier and not txting you at all, because she regrets the txts she sent :cool:


I wouldn't have texted anything back. If i didn't get a reply within a certain time frame that the other texts had arrived, i would have assumed she'd gone to sleep and left it at that. Girls are odd like that, making a fuss over things.
I once fell asleep on the job as it were after I had been drinking.

Not so bad really except I was on top and she was handcuffed to the bed........but I don't go around mentioning it on internet forums.

Erm.... wait a minute........ ;)
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
I once fell asleep on the job as it were after I had been drinking.

Not so bad really except I was on top and she was handcuffed to the bed........but I don't go around mentioning it on internet forums.

Erm.... wait a minute........ ;)

Hahahaha! Excellent!

Drink and nookie, it can be hysterically funny!
Ace.... Who gets off on text sex anyway? Build yourself up, pick up phone, text, surely the moment is gone :confused: Or does text sex work differently :p

Either way, can't believe you overeacted by making a thread about it, and I'm even more suprised she asked if she could make up for it...
Roberta said:
Hahahaha! Excellent!

Drink and nookie, it can be hysterically funny!


I once got drunk at a g/f's house and got up and went for a pee.

Turned out I got up and went to her mums bedroom door and started to wee up it. She thought it was raining at first (seriously) then came to see what the noise was.

She found me sitting naked outside her door and found that I missed the toilet by, oh, a complete room or two.

I then proceeded to try to get into her bed. She then called my g/f of the time to come get me which she did. She ushered me back into bed and then had to dry the door and carpet/ ceiling etc.

I woke up the next day and remembered nothing. The g'f told me what happened while we lay there in bed and I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack!

I absolutely dreaded going down stairs to meet her mum.

Luckily she saw the "funny" side and it was laughed off. Phew. :D

(sorry to OP for going off topic.)
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