Shed security options for bikes

22 May 2007

I have a plastic shed in the back garden (this one:, which obviously has a hefty padlock and covered by a couple of security lights. I'm under no illusions that this is totally safe storage for a bike, and anyone who is determined to get into it will quite easily. However, I am looking for some good deterrents.
The shed is on top of some railway sleepers, which I could potentially attach something to and then use a chain, but not sure if it's as strong as if it was anchored into concrete. Alternatively, I've seen that some partially submerge something like this :,aps,71&sr=8-47 in a bucket of concrete or something like that.

Just wondering if anyone knows of any smart deterrents aside from what's been mentioned.

So sounds like it's a case of lock it up within the recommendations of insurance. Apparently mine (AXA) don't insure shed contents!? Waiting for them to clarify.

@SexyGreyFox chain looks good, might go for a similar setup.
I'm also going to add a Ring contact sensor to the door, so if it is opened my alarms will blare inside the house. If I'm not in the house, I'll at least be able to watch them carrying my bike away on the cams...
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