Shell scripting, help me with what should be a simple task?!

I'll PM you details.

And yes, it's one zip per line of data in the csv containing the json file (with the 1 bit of data from csv) and pdf.

It is all done only I don't know what field in the json the directory name is stored under.
I'll have to clean it up a little before I pass it across I'll do that tonight and add fields to a form so you can point it at any file containing a csv. I can add the directory name into the json if that is better?

If so I can set the first two lines as

"Case_number": "xxxx",
"Directory_Name": "xxxx",

Another question... the json file for each case I'm assuming is different? If there is any logic it would be really easy to capture the correct json file for each case at this point?

Right now it's set so a directory name is created as today's date + case no + incremented number so...

2-10-2018_<case no from csv>_<incremented number>

I copy the case no out of csv into the required json field. I have provided a way to look for and copy the pdf. Is it the same pdf for all zip files created?

Because I am bored and I have no way of explaining this is what it does so far:

Input files and some debug files etc on the right:

Click the button and just a message box telling me the csv it is reading:

Contents of the csv:

Directory structure it created on the right as well as contents of the directory below:

Fwiw because you are only adding a single line of json to a file that already exists I can just work with strings rather than serialising the json from a csv so simply replacing the second line in the jason file with an updated one. Quick and dirty but its fine providing the json provided never changes, or at least doesn't change field name.

Complete code including modification of the json file (really crude but works) file/directory names are also still hard coded but its simple enough to put input fields for them on the form. This will work perfectly if you have your json file set up and all the fields empty ready to be populated or even if you have the json files ready this just adds the directory field at the top and modifies/adds the case field, if you have tons of json files, so a separate one for each directory then some logic will be needed to find the right file:

'If I wasn't being so lazy I would have separated each task such copy pdf, update json etc into their own subs so it would have been easier to follow
'Instead we have a sub called ReadCSVFileToArrayAndWork \o/

'Set up our imports
#Region "Imports directives"
Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Text
#End Region
Public Class Form1
    Dim CSVFileCtnts As String
    Dim MainRoot As String
    Dim TrimmedRoot As DirectoryInfo
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub ReadCSV()
        'Variable Declerations
        'Our root directory where everything starts
        Dim root As New DirectoryInfo("C:\tempTest")
        'we can use root along with files to pick any csv in the folder - We shall do this so we don't have to be specific.
        'Files is the files available that are of type csv in the root
        Dim Files As FileInfo() = root.GetFiles("*.csv")
        Dim FileName As FileInfo
        Dim sourceFile As String
        Dim tempFile As String = ("c:\tempTest\temp.txt")
        Dim outputFile As String = ("C:\tempTest\output.txt")
        Dim currentRow As String = ""
        Dim StreamWriter As StreamWriter
        For Each FileName In Files
                'Try loop - There is only one csv file in the temp directory - This grabs the csv file of any name and reads everything
                'into a single string, we will chop it up later.
                TrimmedRoot = root
                sourceFile = (root.ToString & "\" & FileName.ToString)
                MainRoot = sourceFile
                'debug message box showing our csv file
                Using streamReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(sourceFile)
                    currentRow = streamReader.ReadToEnd()
                    'Dispose of the streamreader
                End Using
                'Write the current line to the streamwriter
                StreamWriter = File.AppendText(outputFile)
                CSVFileCtnts = currentRow
                'Close the stream writer.
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub ReadCSVFileToArrayAndWork()
        Dim strfilename As String
        Dim num_rows As Long
        Dim num_cols As Long
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim y As Integer
        Dim strarray(1, 1) As String
        Dim jsontxt As String
        Dim caseNo As String
        Dim PDFName As String = "test.pdf"
        Dim PDFLoc As String
        Dim CaseDirPDF As String
        Dim StreamWriter As StreamWriter
        Dim DirectoryName As String
        Dim jsonLoc As String
        Dim jsonSource As String = ("C:\tempTest\jsonSource.json")
        Dim jsonOut As String = ("C:\tempTest\jsontxt.json")
        Dim jsonFile As String = "jsontxt.json"
        Dim CaseDirJson As String
        ' Load the file location
        strfilename = MainRoot
        'Check if file exist
        If File.Exists(strfilename) Then
            'more declarations
            Dim tmpstream As StreamReader = File.OpenText(strfilename)
            Dim strlines() As String
            Dim strline() As String
            Dim TDate As DateTime = Now
            Dim increment As New Integer
            'Load content of file to strLines array
            strlines = tmpstream.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine)
            'Redimension the array
            num_rows = UBound(strlines)
            strline = strlines(0).Split(",")
            num_cols = UBound(strline)
            ReDim strarray(num_rows, num_cols)
            'loop through and copy the data into the array.
            For x = 0 To num_rows
                strline = strlines(x).Split(",")
                For y = 0 To num_cols
                    strarray(x, y) = strline(y)
            'set our number to increment before the loop
            increment = 0
            'Begin looping through our array and creating everything
            For x = 0 To num_rows
                For y = 0 To num_cols
                    increment = increment + 1
                    'Location of the PDF to copy
                    PDFLoc = (TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & PDFName)
                    'Make a directory
                    MkDir(TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & (TDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")) & "_" & (strarray(x, y) & "_" & increment))
                    DirectoryName = (TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & (TDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")) & "_" & (strarray(x, y) & "_" & increment))
                    'Set Location of where the PDF is being stored
                    CaseDirPDF = (TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & (TDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")) & "_" & (strarray(x, y) & "_" & increment & "\" & PDFName))
                    'Copy the PDF
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(PDFLoc, CaseDirPDF)
                    'copy out the case number to a variable
                    caseNo = strarray(x, y).ToString
                    'debug msgbox
                    'MsgBox("case number is: " & caseNo)
                    'Create our new line of json
                    jsontxt = (ControlChars.Quote & "case_number" & ControlChars.Quote & ":" & " " & ControlChars.Quote & caseNo & ControlChars.Quote & ",")
                    'debug msgbox
                    'MsgBox("json line is: " & jsontxt)
                    'Create a stream reader to read the json file to find the line we are replacing
                    Dim jsonFileNew As New StreamReader(jsonSource)
                    Dim jsonLine As String ' holds one line at a time
                    Dim jsonLines As String 'holds the whole file
                    Dim posOf_txt As Integer 'For our txt compare
                    jsonLine = jsonFileNew.ReadLine
                    jsonLines = jsonLine
                    'loop through all lines of json
                    While Not jsonLine = ""
                        jsonLine = jsonFileNew.ReadLine
                        posOf_txt = InStr(1, jsonLine, "case_number", vbTextCompare)
                        If posOf_txt > 1 Then
                            jsonLines = jsonLines & vbCrLf & jsontxt
                            jsonLines = jsonLines & vbCrLf & ControlChars.Quote & "directory_name" & ControlChars.Quote & ":" & " " & ControlChars.Quote & DirectoryName & ControlChars.Quote & ","
                        ElseIf posOf_txt = 0 Then
                            jsonLines = jsonLines & vbCrLf & jsonLine
                        End If
                    End While
                    StreamWriter = File.AppendText(jsonOut)
                    'Dispose of the streamwriter
                    jsonLoc = ((TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & jsonFile))
                    CaseDirJson = (TrimmedRoot.ToString & "\" & (TDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")) & "_" & (strarray(x, y) & "_" & increment & "\" & jsonFile))
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(jsonLoc, CaseDirJson)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class
Last edited:
Well, with the excellent assistance from @Vince and @Stelly I've managed to put together a working solution:

#create a unique int that increments through each loop
while IFS=, read -r f1
    #cd to the working directory
    cd "$workingDir"
    #print the case number from each row
    echo "The case number from the CSV is $f1 that we are using"
    #create the unique folder name using the looped var and required folder structure name
    #create the directory for each zip file using mkdir
    mkdir "${caseFolder}"
    echo "Created dir with name $caseFolder"
    #cd into the new directory
    cd "${caseFolder}"
    #create the metadata.json file with the required content (template and case number var)
    cat >./metadata.json <<EOF
      "case_number": "${case}",
      "rest of json":"goes here"
    #copy the required PDF file into the new dir
    cp ${pdfLocation}${pdfFile} ${pdfFile}
    #move back up a dir
    cd ..
    #zip the folder
    zip -r ${caseFolder}.zip ${caseFolder}
    #move the zip file to a separate folder to collate all data in one location
    mv ${caseFolder}.zip "${zipLocation}"
    #increase the value of i
done < ${csvFile}

Only problem was that I had to convert the CSV file to a DOS formatted CSV file otherwise importing the case_number added a new line to the JSON file which messed everything up!
Well, still a work in progress, all that is needed is to open the JSON file and make the updates which I am working on at the moment.

Create a directory to run this all in. Place in the python script, the csv file, the pdf file and the json file. It'll open the csv, create a unique folder for every line in the csv. It then copies over the pdf, json and zip's it all up.

import glob
import os
import time
import datetime
import json
import csv
import shutil


# Find the csv file in the parent folder

main_csv = glob.glob('*.csv')
main_csv = main_csv[0]

template_pdf = glob.glob('*.pdf')
template_pdf = template_pdf[0]

template_json = glob.glob('*.json')
template_json = template_json[0]

# Create the new unique directory for each entry in the csv

path = os.getcwd()      #get the parent directory

time_dir = time.time()
time_dir = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_dir).strftime('%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S')

unique_int = 0

with open (main_csv) as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')

    for row in csv_reader:
        new_dir = str(unique_int) + "-" + time_dir              #sets the directory name of a unique integer and the current date time
        os.mkdir(new_dir)                                       #creates the unique directory
        shutil.copy2(template_pdf, new_dir+'/template.pdf')     #copies the pdf file into the directtory and names it "template.pdf"
        shutil.copy2(template_json, new_dir+'/template.json')   #copies the json file into the directtory and names it "template.json"
        #Now I need to open the json file, edit it and save in the new directory


        #zip the folder up
        shutil.make_archive(new_dir, 'zip', new_dir)
        #increase unique integer at the beginning of the folder name
        unique_int = unique_int + 1


Jesus that esculated into .Net nonesense quickly.

Lets see:
  1. Read a CSV file containing a few thousand rows of data (only one column)
Then it's not a CSV file. It's just a list.
for row in $(cat theFile)
  1. Create a directory with a unique name (in the format X_DD-MM-YYYY_HH-MM-SS) eg. 1_24-06-2018-00-00-01 - hoping I can increment the time value to make the dir unique?
If you just want it to be unique and nothing else you can use "mktemp", if you want the date in that format use the date command and the +% format specifiers, then assign to a variable something like:
theDate=$(date +%d%M%y_%hh%mm%ss)

If you just want it to be a unique item based on the date the easiest is:
date +%s
Unix epoc.

However I expect you just want to increment the first number.
i=$(( $i++ ))

  1. Grab the value from the CSV and store it as a variable
Already done with the for loop above, "row" is your variable
  1. Create a .json file with the above variable used once in one of the json fields and the directory name in one of the json fields
Create a template JSON file.
Make the variables placeholders like [[VAR1]] [[VAR2]]
cat the JSON file and pipe through sed
cat theJson.template.json | sed "s/[[VAR1]]/$thevalue/" | sed "s/[[VAR2]]/$theothervalue/" > $theDirectory/${thefile}.json
  1. Save the .json file in the above dir
Already done in above step
  1. Copy a PDF file from another dir (I should be able to do this using the 'cp' function)
cp thePDF.pdf $theDirectory
  1. Zip up the new folder with the .json file and the PDF fil
zip ${theDirectory}.zip ${theDirectory}
Jesus that esculated into .Net nonesense quickly.

Lets see:
  1. Read a CSV file containing a few thousand rows of data (only one column)
Then it's not a CSV file. It's just a list.
for row in $(cat theFile)
  1. Create a directory with a unique name (in the format X_DD-MM-YYYY_HH-MM-SS) eg. 1_24-06-2018-00-00-01 - hoping I can increment the time value to make the dir unique?
If you just want it to be unique and nothing else you can use "mktemp", if you want the date in that format use the date command and the +% format specifiers, then assign to a variable something like:
theDate=$(date +%d%M%y_%hh%mm%ss)

If you just want it to be a unique item based on the date the easiest is:
date +%s
Unix epoc.

However I expect you just want to increment the first number.
i=$(( $i++ ))

  1. Grab the value from the CSV and store it as a variable
Already done with the for loop above, "row" is your variable
  1. Create a .json file with the above variable used once in one of the json fields and the directory name in one of the json fields
Create a template JSON file.
Make the variables placeholders like [[VAR1]] [[VAR2]]
cat the JSON file and pipe through sed
cat theJson.template.json | sed "s/[[VAR1]]/$thevalue/" | sed "s/[[VAR2]]/$theothervalue/" > $theDirectory/${thefile}.json
  1. Save the .json file in the above dir
Already done in above step
  1. Copy a PDF file from another dir (I should be able to do this using the 'cp' function)
cp thePDF.pdf $theDirectory
  1. Zip up the new folder with the .json file and the PDF fil
zip ${theDirectory}.zip ${theDirectory}

Meh.. nonsense perhaps but then it's been years since I've written anything in any shell / bash. I'll get my coat.
Meh.. nonsense perhaps but then it's been years since I've written anything in any shell / bash. I'll get my coat.

Sorry. I get it. If you only have a hammer, a screw can be hammered in just fine.

For this kind of thing bash or potentially perl or python are appropriate choices. Once you get into languages like Java or VB/C# it just gets far too verbose and complicated for such a simple task.

My examples were from memory before my coffee kicked in, so there are probably a dozen mistakes and the OP will need to look up things in the man pages to correct them.
I finished it yesterday guys, Stelly provided the final missing piece to fix the line break:

#create a unique int that increments through each loop
while IFS=, read -r f1
    #cd to the working directory
    cd "$workingDir"
    #print the case number from each row
    #echo "The case number from the CSV is ${f1} that we are using"
    #create the unique folder name using the looped var and required folder structure name
    #case=$(printf ${f1})
    case="$(echo "$f1"|tr -d '\r')"
    #create the directory for each zip file using mkdir
    mkdir "${caseFolder}"
    echo "Created dir with name $caseFolder"
    #cd into the new directory
    cd "${caseFolder}"
    #create the metadata.json file with the required content (template and case number var)
    cat >./metadata.json <<EOF
      "case_number": "${case}",
      "jurisdiction": "${jurisdiction}",
      "zip_file_name": "${caseFolder}.zip",


    #copy the required PDF file into the new dir
    cp ${pdfLocation}${pdfFile} ${pdfFile}
    #move back up a dir
    cd ..
    #zip the folder
    zip -r ${caseFolder}.zip ${caseFolder}
    #move the zip file to a separate folder to collate all data in one location
    mv ${caseFolder}.zip "${zipLocation}"
    #remove the zip folder we created earlier as we no longer require them
    rm -rf ${caseFolder}
    #increase the value of i
done < ${csvFile}
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