So what? The point was that they wanted end users to test it - so these designs have to be proper designs and proper prototypes need to be built. Who wants to pay for the 7 designs that don't make it?
All "billion dollar" arms manufacturing companies do that to some extent - companies make prototypes (the military give a little money to help out on the cost), the military test them and pick the best and the "losing" companies then sell their designs around the world trying to win other contracts.
The problem is that since 2001 those companies didn't want to do that any more as they realised that Governments will happily pay for ALL their R&D work, for ALL the prototyping and for ALL the testing and then, when it turns into a pile of uutter crap, the manufacturers can charge lots more to fix the problems that they didn't know about until AFTER the contracts are signed and the testing begins.
That is something which needs to change in future contracts as the utter failure we have at the moment has a company which somehow sold the Military an AFV in which sub-contractor A's turret had never been fitted or tested onto sub-contractor B's chassis until after 5 years AFTER the initial £500 MILLION "build a prototype" contract was signed in 2010 - winning against an already made and operational design by BAES the CV90, leading to the current shambles where things which should have been shaken out at a prototype phase, before we even signed a single contract, now need fixing on a contact we're stuck paying around £5.5 BILLION for and the company is just loving it, so much extra money to squeeze out of the UK tax payer for all that juicy profit.
So lets just compare the two designs as they stand currently -
AJAX - Less than 15 prototypes made so far, buggered and a bit of a disaster which will take lots of money and time to fix unless it gets scrapped first.
CV-90 - Currently 1200+ in operational service with 7 Nations where it's combat-proven in Afghanistan by both the Danes and Norwegians.
Yeap, the Army/MOD definitely made the best choice there!