US: Shot in the dark - Netflix series

Been watching this all week, so good! The cinematography is on point for a reality show like this, and now that I'm 6 episodes in I feel like I'm getting a feel for each company and how they operate.

Really interesting show, and quite well done, I hope it can stay interesting. Feels almost like cops 2.0, but with better camera work and a storyline detached from the actual crimes, instead refocussing on those that film the aftermath.

Some of the footage is incredible, like Austin pulling that guy from the car after it broke down in the fast lane and was impacted at high speed and caught fire.

On the one hand I'm screaming at the screen wondering why he didn't do somethign sooner - but the situation was so dangerous, could he have realistically done anything prior to the accident? But then he goes and pulls the guys out of the flaming aftermath. Pretty amazing.
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I'm not sure about that Zak fellow. He seem so cool, calm and collected, but almost too detached. He seems to have a really good rapport with the cops and news companies, but I can't tell how real or fake it is. It strikes me that he's a business person at heart and puts on the act for the money and to get the shots sold.

I really feel for the British team though. They come across much more genuine.

******* LoudLabs is a douche, hilarious, but still a douch, jetting about in his Charger and doing his package deals, lol. Such a great mix of characters.

What a fascinating job.
lol, the British guy is so funny in that LA envrinoment "What's this muppet want?" as this black dude swaggers his way through the hood off his ****, then he ends up becoming mates with him :D
Watched of these over the last couple of days. Really good show, obviously ott for TV but still great to watch.
The scene with the vehicle on the highway thatr got hit, seemed setup. Maybe good (or in that guys case bad) timing, but he could have prevented that. Seems although they claim to be reporting the news, they are out to make money from misery.
He was waiting for that accident and he knows it.
I thought that too at first.

But really, what could you do?

The lights were off, it was dark out, there was a near miss every few seconds, it was almost guaranteed to happen. There was a huge change he’d have been killed if he ran over to the car before it caught fire and became more visible to other drivers.
Stick your motor in the way with the hazards on. It got hit cause it was hard to see. That guy might have been having a heart attack whilst he watched.
It was adament they didn't care when they said things like, I need at least 1 fatality, like it was a joke.
I just randomly got recommended a YouTube vid from Onscene TV in my feed today where the police blasted the heck out of some driver after he pulled a gun after boxing them in and pulling them over. Crazy to see the high quality camera and drone footage.

They were one of the companies features in this series. Shame they didn't do another series as I quite enjoyed it at the time.
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