Should i buy a ps3 slim?

Only you have the power to answer this question.

No console is worth buying for 1 game btw. Look up some.. christ I feel like a broken record giving out advice like this. Can't people figure these things out for them selfs these days? Its your money after all, not mine. Do what you want with it.

bah.. Look up the exclusive games and figure out what you want to play.

just say YES next time then :p
Id say dont buy for 1 game, i made that mistake with my 360 elite, got it as a bundle with the game i wanted, Fable II, now its just sits in the corner looking lonley and only gets played when my bro is out, so he can check the marketplace and play demos.

So like people have said look at other ps3 titles and see if there is anything else you like and if you have need of a blue ray player, then buy 1.
It isn't worth buying just for killzone 2 but it is worth buying for loads of other games as well.
Search for ps3 recommendations or something and it should bring up a few posts with a load of games.
No game is worth buying a new console just for it unless you like other games on the system and other extras. (MW1/2 being exceptions)

Kreeeee could you please change my name to " Red Porshce" please :) im sick of looking at that shocker of a spelling mistake!

Or "Private Man Love" as im known to some ;).
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No game is worth buying a new console just for it unless you like other games on the system and other extras.

Up until I sunk nearly 200 hours (so far) into Demon Souls I would have agreed with you :D

If the 2nd one came out tomorrow and I had to buy another PS3 to play it, I would.
No game is worth buying a new console just for it unless you like other games on the system and other extras. (MW1/2 being exceptions)

Kreeeee could you please change my name to " Red Porshce" please :) im sick of looking at that shocker of a spelling mistake!

Or "Private Man Love" as im known to some ;).

Oh the ironing...
Red Porshce said:

Could you be very kind and change to "Red Porsche" im dying of ironing. It was in the middle of the night lol.

How can you people spend that much time on an rpg :O.


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