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Should I go RTX 30xx or 40xx...advice needed please

16 Apr 2010
Hi All,

I've had an RTX 2070 for about 5 years and it is now time for an upgrade as I'm also upgrading my mobo and CPU. Money is a little tight as you can imagine so I don't want to go crazy. I mainly play things like Eve Online, Flight Simulator, Star Citizen. Should I go for a 30xx or 40xx generation and which one would you advise I look at / compare?

I went from 1080ti (pretty much the same performance as a 2070, minus the ray tracing) to 3070ti and I'm very happy with the performance. I paid £400 but can see you can get them around £250-300 used now.

1440p/144hz, manage to run everything high/ultra 100+ fps.
Is there a big difference between the 3070 and 3070ti and what would I look out for if buying used?

Recently upgraded from a 1080ti to a 3080, nice upgrade. After researching the 3070ti which I also purchased for another build, the general consensus is it sits between 3070 and 3080, the 3070ti was a bit pointless as not much more powerful than the 3070. If you dont want to spend a lot then a 3 series is probaby best, for referance I think I paid £320 for the 3070ti and £380 for the 3080. this was from the members market on here though which I dont think you wil have accesss to, expect to pay more on Ebay etc, both cards were used. Hope this helps.
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Recently upgraded from a 1080ti to a 3080, nice upgrade. After researching the 3070ti which I also purchased for another build, the general consensus is it sits between 3070 and 3080, the 3070ti was a bit pointless as not much more powerful than the 3070. If you dont want to spend a lot then a 3 series is probaby best, for referance I think I paid £320 for the 3070ti and £380 for the 3080. this was from the members market on here though which I dont think you wil have accesss to, expect to pay more on Ebay etc, both cards were used. Hope this helps.
Thanks. How do I get access to the members market here...sounds like that's the right thing to do.
I remember the concerns about that when the card first launched but I've been using mine for three years and, to be totally honest, I've never once had a problem with the amount of VRAM.

I admit it could become an issue in years to come but, at £350, I'd take that risk.
Same. Running 3440x1440p Ultra wide and not seen or had any issues. It's overstated or only applied in very niche games or cases.
I remember the concerns about that when the card first launched but I've been using mine for three years and, to be totally honest, I've never once had a problem with the amount of VRAM.

I admit it could become an issue in years to come but, at £350, I'd take that risk.
Yeah for £350 it’s about 50% faster than anything new around that price.
You have been reading too much fanboy nonsense.

MissChiefs comment sums it up best.
Maybe, but imagine not upgrading since 2017 (1080 Ti, 11GB), or 2018 (2070, 8GB) only to find that current cards for a similar(ish) price are 2-3 times faster but have... almost exactly the same amount of VRAM. By definition someone who hasn't upgrade in 5-6 years, is likely to hold on any new card until 8GB, 10GB, or even 12GB VRAM begins to be a major issue.

To the OP, isn't Flight Simulator very CPU limited too?
Yeah for £350 it’s about 50% faster than anything new around that price.
Having said that, this is of course true too. And if I wasn't someone who likes to install 100s of mods, then a used 3080 cannot be argued with. What I have found from looking at used prices, is that for possible the first time ever on ebay and that high-street vendor of used parts, the Navi21 parts are holding their own in terms of used prices versus the RTX 3080 but not the RTX 3090. So some people do value 16GB vs 10/12GB.
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