Should I leave 2 friends or stay?

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13 Nov 2021
United Kingdom
I’m struggling to know weather to end friendship with 2 friends, who have been friends over 10 years, how do I decide, the problem is if I end it I will be a lonely and nothing too look forward too, especially weekends, I’ve tried making new friends haven’t been a let, if I don’t end it I will have to continue to put up with disrespect and rudeness etc

I have ended it in the past and always gone back, due to loneliness and not be able to find anyone else, I connect with.

Both are unemployed, they just live of their family(who are not rich, but comfortable) but generally smart, can answer anything and create conversations out of anyway

I really can’t decided as you shouldn’t really leave friends because you have a disagreement.

Friend 1: Tries to tell me what to wear so I look better.

Will just speak his mind like idiot clumsy etc, and says this how he speaks to everyone

Will swear when you say something negative, he says its wrong but it works, and he’s had loads of friends and only 5 he’s had to swear to so who the problem him or me.

Gets annoyed if you stingy.

His positives are he’s really interesting and will pick you up and drop you home and we connect.

Friend 2: when he’s certain he’s right I was expected to have the same opinion as the friend or he would get angry and pout until I backed down and agreed with him. He lecture and harangue me because I disagree with him, and have them try to verbally beat me into submitting and admitting that they are right, and that their opinion is the right one.And he will win as he’s more persistent and better at arguing.

When I ask him about it he said it was his passion that’s why, for example if he saw someone driving of a cliff, he would not calmly say stop, then says don’t worry about how I say it. then he was why you brought it all up now.(the reason I did I find it hard to disagree with him, how much he goes into it if I do, but sometime I just have to say something), then he goes next time tell me there and then im open to criticisms, but he says that and when i disagree with him and told toi calm down he was saying he was calm and then sent me bellow message a w eek laeter

Then after that because I told him to calm down and didn’t agree with him or back down like I usually do etc, and didn’t back down this as normal, as he thinks whatever you want from a girl sleep with them go out with them don’t waste time just tell them asap.

He sent me a message saying I was low key rude, and transgresses him and not to contact him again,
I didn't see the message and did contact him, and he just talk normally to me.

Postives: will always give me advice, if I ask for it, can have really good advice, when he is right. I get along with him, hes normally a cool understanding guy other then when you don’t agree with him

The first friend I find it easier to stand up for myself 2nd friend not so dont know why.
I find it is better to be alone than have bad friends.
I also don't particularly have any patience for those who are long term unemployed.

I have found the best thing to do is join a club where you can meet like minded people.
This is almost certainly a bot creating an account for latter spam. But on the offchance it's not and is simply a duplicate account for someone not wanting to divulge their real forum name, my advice is to cut out negative things from your life and only keep the positives. So are they a positive or negative force in your life overall?
This is almost certainly a bot creating an account for latter spam. But on the offchance it's not and is simply a duplicate account for someone not wanting to divulge their real forum name, my advice is to cut out negative things from your life and only keep the positives. So are they a positive or negative force in your life overall?
Can bots be coded with weapon grade autism?
Can bots be coded with weapon grade autism?
Don't forget machine learning is only as good as the data feeding it. For every Hades post, that bot has had to consume several thousand of mmj's, mine, dowies etc.
I am not a bit just want to stay anonymous.

The reason it’s long, is I want to cover all bases before I leave and this time will not go back if I do

There postive and negative influence.

Positives being I’ve been to theme parks gona out at night had a lot of fun

Tell me what to say to my crush because I don’t have a clue.

Having friends give me motivation to do things even alone when I don’t have any it’s hard because I don’t have anyone to tell or fallback on

Negatives being them telling me what to do and if I don’t do it getting upset.

Sometimes wrong advice I’ve took like telling my crush I like her too early, give her a present on Easter etc

But really good advice too on what to say etc at other times.

When they be rude or argue I feel like why did I even meet

I wish I could find a wife, that would help with friends situation no end.

I like doing things alone and do a lot of things alone but sometimes I want to meet friends chat have f
It sounds like they offer positives in your life. So I suggest keeping them. But politely explaining to them when they do something which annoys you.
friends are over rated, they don't even sound like friends.

does being your friend financially benefit them ? do they scrounge all the time

join a board gaming group in your city or something, one sure exists, even if you don't like boardgames it's an easy way to meet and get to know people without the pressure of conversation being forced.

are you a loser? nothing to offer anyone? don't like your self? think your ugly and have issues with your appearance ? paranoid about how you dress?

no one else cares, no one else is judging you apart from "young people" who don't know better.

Just be yourself and get out there.
Take a long-term view.

Would you be happier with them out of your life? Be honest about what that means for you, good and bad.

I took a decision to end a long-term friendship. While I regret having to make the decision, the reasons for it remain sound.

It might be helpful to think about how you approach conversations, and react to conflict. That is not a criticism of you- more that we don't always know why we do what we do.

Trying to change other people rarely works. Criticising their behaviour is always personal, so be careful if you decide to confront what you see as their negative behaviours.

Finally, friend 1 sounds a bit like me! If it helps at all, my criticisms are intended to be helpful, not cruel (though they may hurt sometimes!)
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