Firstly.. never listen to *Anyone* that harps on about hardware they themselves have just purchased, it is human nature for people to seek praise and approval from others to galvanise their own buying decisions.
Always wait for reviews, you are losing *Nothing* by waiting a few days, absolutely nothing, other than a non existent badge that says *i bought it first*. The cards themselves wont magically change after the launch day to something else, they will still be the same cards, wait it out, read multiple reviews from multiple sites, do not rely on just one review, many sites are paid or incentivized to offer reviews showing products in a good light.
Wait for user reviews, as above some users will be biased due to needing to have approval to justify their own purchase, especially when it is an expensive purchase. Many of us have bought something that we thought was great and has turned out to be bad and we look for redeeming qualities in the product to justify our purchase, this again is human nature.
As i say, you lose nothing by waiting, and infact unless you are going to Watercool the card, it is best to wait for aftermarket cooled options to be available, not sure if they are releasing on day 1 withe these new Nvidia cards though as in all honesty ive paid pretty much zero attention to them since the reveal the other week. However reviews of FE cards should be a good indication of how much better 3rd party cooled ones will be.
Check post history of some members of these forums who will proclaim these cards as the next coming of the lord, you will find they are invested in the brand and are brand champions, as above, these people have a skewed and clouded opinion of a company they are invested into, often long term.
Independent reviews from websites and non biased users is your best bet if your going to lay out £1200 or something on a GPU in my opinion.
But this is my opinion and may not be worth much to you or anyone else.