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Should I sell my 7800gtx and go ati?

I agree
You have got gtx's in SLI ffs!!!!!!!!! wtf is wrong with it???
Stop faffing around with high end cards, if you want to try and keep up with every card, more fool you for falling into a trap.
no wonder why ati and nvidia keep the prices so highit like the cards you got aint fast nuff

there isnt a game i cant run on my system and i run at 1920v1200 res so i dont kno why you guys have to change
MrMatt said:
I agree
You have got gtx's in SLI ffs!!!!!!!!! wtf is wrong with it???
Stop faffing around with high end cards, if you want to try and keep up with every card, more fool you for falling into a trap.

As i quoted before..

Plus i really could do with a highend single daul slot card that exhausts the heat out the rear of the case...
My shuttle gets very hot having two 7800gtx exhausting there heat inside a small case..


chaparral said:
What i don't belive is..I payed £590 for two 7800gtx cards and i spend most my time when am using the PC on forums like this and browsing the web..
hehe :)

Hey I believe it, because I have been there and done the same thing myself, then I suddenly realised how I had become caught up *in the game*.

All this computer stuff is fun and all, but I now understand that the *greater* computer experience is about more than the list of ones hardware.

I still upgrade every two years, and luckily I get the chance to build a few PC's every year for friends/clients (which helps counter upgradus-addictus), but I have noticed that a lot of the *fresh-blood* overclockers have no idea of the old school style where our motto used to be:


The only computer component that is worth more than £200 to me is the Monitor, I always spend a heap of notes on those, but seriously I think its a HUGE waste of cash to spend much more than £200 on your VGA solutions.
Big.Wayne said:
hehe :)

Hey I believe it, because I have been there and done the same thing myself, then I suddenly realised how I had become caught up *in the game*.

All this computer stuff is fun and all, but I now understand that the *greater* computer experience is about more than the list of ones hardware.

I still upgrade every two years, and luckily I get the chance to build a few PC's every year for friends/clients (which helps counter upgradus-addictus), but I have noticed that a lot of the *fresh-blood* overclockers have no idea of the old school style where our motto used to be:


The only computer component that is worth more than £200 to me is the Monitor, I always spend a heap of notes on those, but seriously I think its a HUGE waste of cash to spend much more than £200 on your VGA solutions.

My last vga card (9800pro AIW) cost me £146 secondhand two years ago..I sold it just before christmas for £95 plus £10 postage..The computer that card was in ran 24/7 for almost all that time as well..(BARGAIN for sure)

My pc upgrade was meant to be £800 tops....Then i saw loads of execllent reviews of the dell 2405 while looking for reviews for a new 19 lcd..So i brought the Dell 2405 and my £800 upgrade changed to more like over £2000..
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chaparral said:
My last vga card (9800pro AIW) cost me £146 secondhand two years ago..I sold it just before christmas for £95 plus £10 postage..The computer that card was in ran 24/7 for almost all that time as well..(BARGAIN for sure)

My pc upgrade was meant to be £800 tops....Then i saw loads of execllent reviews of the dell 2405 while looking for reviews for a new 19 lcd..So i brought the Dell 2405 and my £800 upgrade changed to more like over £2000..

lol i did the same thing cost me £3k in all not still got to get new speaks as wel
chaparral said:
As i quoted before..

Plus i really could do with a highend single daul slot card that exhausts the heat out the rear of the case...
My shuttle gets very hot having two 7800gtx exhausting there heat inside a small case..

I get what u mean you have paid 590 for cards that you dont use to there fullist but why then go out and sell your 2 cards and then buy another one may as wel sell one and buy a artic cooler
If i change to a single card..I need the fastest one i can get for running games on the dell 2405 at high res..

I been thinking of changing to a normal midi case..But i really like the small shuttle cases..I only had qbic and shuttles barebones cases for the last 2 years..

Plus am the same..I not brought any new speakers yet..I been thinking of getting the Logitech Z-5500 or the Z-5400
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So in conclusion, a lot of us don't actually play games, just fire them up to gawp and the eye candy at elleventy trillion pixels by 9 trillion pixels with 48,000,000 x AA and 25,000,000 AF etc etc ...play for 2 levels, get bored and come back to the forums. So we should all sell our uber-powerful uber expensive cards and buy 6600s or X700s which will do the job for the most part and forget about it :p ....yea right
chaparral said:
I want change mainly because i want a 512mb card...(don't know why,,just bored of my two 256mb cards..)

Hey throwing £500 at graphics cards seems like a really bad way to relieve your boredom, perhaps you should look elsewhere. . .

chaparral said:
Plus i really could do with a highend single daul slot card that exhausts the heat out the rear of the case...My shuttle gets very hot having two 7800gtx exhausting there heat inside a small case..
Sounds like you have already made your mind up here, but in all honesty didn't you realise that stuffing two GTXs into a shuttle would make that little box hot? cmon :)

Sounds like you have had a good bang-for-buck hardware career so far, but suddenly you have lost the plot and thrown a large sum of money at your PC with no real *thought-process*?

I have owned the DELL 2405FPW since March 2005 (about 9-10 months) paid nearly £600 for it back then, bloody amazing upgrade but me P4 3.5GHz along with a Radeon 9800Pro did have a hard time gaming at res higher than 1024x768 so finally (after having waited for a tasty new AGP) I have moved to an AMD/PCI-Express system, and my new VGA card that *totally* smokes my old 9800Pro is..... The Radeon X850XT, for only £145.00!! :eek:

My personal advice to you would be:

A) Research your hardware more, and really try your hardest not to buy cutting edge (justify. justify, justify etc)

B) Sell one of your GTX now (asap, bank the cash) and enjoy your uber shuttle running cooler with just one 7800GTX
Okay, I may have come across wrong in my original post so I'll try and justify myself here :D
I wouldn' dream of trying to 'keep up with the Jones's' as I really think it is a waste of money ..... however, my latest pc upgrade (virtually my whole rig) was down to insurance money and not out of my own pocket so to speak ;)
So, apart from that I may (just) upgrade every two years or so. So seeing as I hadn't forked out the money myself on this rig I just wondered what the best upgrade would be for me seeing as I might not uprade for a while (albeit the sound card might be next on the list :p ).

I'll give you a run down on my specs and you can tell me if there would be anything that you would change if you were to keep your system the same for the next 1 1/2 to 2 years :D

AMD 3700+ san diego
Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe nForce4 SLi m/b
Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB)
Audigy 2zs sound card
Samsung SpinPoint 160GB h/d
maxtor dvd blah blah blah
Leadtek GeForce 7800 GTX 256MB
Akasa Eclipse-62 Aluminum Case (Nice and roomy but quite a bit of vibration I've noticed).
Hiper HPU-4B580 Type R 580W

I just want something that I can keep nice and simple (without overclocking really) that I know will play my games (bf2 and fs9) with ease.
I do have a really crappy moitor though (it was bought about 6 years ago) so I may need to upgrade that soon.

I do like a quiet pc though so the Akasa Ambers that I have installed may have to be replaced with SilenX (shock horror) and the same may go for the psu (silenX again I'm afraid). :D
Big.Wayne said:

Hey throwing £500 at graphics cards seems like a really bad way to relieve your boredom, perhaps you should look elsewhere. . .

I think you need to check your prices again..
The xt1900xt is meant to be £350
And the xt1900xtx is meant to be £399

Plus i sell the two 7800gtx for about £250 each..So i lose about £45 on each the two 7800gtx from what they cost me brand new..

And i would be buying a card to replace them for £350 or £399 plus postage..

Of course i looked up on reviews of the shuttle sn26p like many other shuttle sn26p owners did before buying it..
But no one knew back then when i brought my shuttle.That shuttle was not going to release there GPU heatpipes that all the reviewers on the net had tested this SLI shuttle with..
If you lookup reviews on the net for this sn26p you will see like everyone else that owns one has..That with the gpu heatpipes the heat from the two gpu cards is exhausted striaght out the rear of the case..
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Aliboy said:
however, my latest pc upgrade (virtually my whole rig) was down to insurance money and not out of my own pocket so to speak ;)

I'll give you a run down on my specs and you can tell me if there would be anything that you would change if you were to keep your system the same for the next 1 1/2 to 2 years :D

AMD 3700+ san diego
Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe nForce4 SLi m/b
Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB)
Audigy 2zs sound card
Samsung SpinPoint 160GB h/d
maxtor dvd blah blah blah
Leadtek GeForce 7800 GTX 256MB
Akasa Eclipse-62 Aluminum Case (Nice and roomy but quite a bit of vibration I've noticed).
Hiper HPU-4B580 Type R 580W

I do have a really crappy moitor though (it was bought about 6 years ago) so I may need to upgrade that soon.

Looks like a fine system indeed! But do yourself a favour and start saving for a DELL 2405FPW (24" HD-Widescreen LCD) or similar, that system is *screaming* for a high quality display (you wont believe your eyes I tell ya!)


Also start thinking about getting some decent storage space, aim for at least 1/2 TB (yes thats 500GBs!!)



this is *good* advice I give you, and its free!
chaparral said:
What i don't belive is..I payed £590 for two 7800gtx cards and i spend most my time when am using the PC on forums like this and browsing the web..

I'm nearly as bad. I spent £250 on an o/c'ed 7800GT. The cooler doesn't work properly and it's a known issue with the brand and model, so I may go the easy route, pull it off and put something better on rather than spending ages on an RMA that might or might not get we a working one. So that'll take it to about £280 with delivery for the cooler.

The two games I play most are ADoM, an ASCII Roguelike, and Islands of Myth, a textual MUD. Apart from that, I mainly use forums, browse around and do a bit of office work.
Tired, so Im not going to say anything majorly intellectual.

Selling your GTX for the new ATI is just pointless matey. You are climbing up a burning tree if your just going to sell your old card every single time a better one comes out.

Hell most people I know still game on 6600s and 6800s... which are perfectly fine cards. You shouldnt really need to upgrade your 7800GTX for a while mate. Your current rig will be able to play games fine for the next 2 years at least.
chaparral said:
I think you need to check your prices again..
The xt1900xt is meant to be £350
And the xt1900xtx is meant to be £399

Plus i sell the two 7800gtx for about £250 each..So i lose about £45 on each the two 7800gtx from what they cost me brand new..

And i would be buying a card to replace them for £350 or £399 plus postage..

I can understand where youre coming from.
If going to the X1900XTX (XT) will cool your shuttle then its a good thing.
Considering you wont be losing heaps of money on the purchase of the original cards & will likely have cash in your pocket when you sell your existing cards, it sounds ok to me. Besides it always nice to have a new toy :)
off topic - very sorry.

Also start thinking about getting some decent storage space, aim for at least 1/2 TB (yes thats 500GBs!!)

Heres our home server..... 23 hdds for 6.5tb (6500gig)

its an AOpen XC-Cube..... its the media centre pc for the bedroom i was building at the same time.

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