Should illegally parked vehicles bear some share of the blame in a collision?

Sometimes situations will occur where they will be so out of left field, they would have been impossible to predict. A suicidal deer on the motorway diving in front of someone doing the speed limit that’s unavoidable for instance. That I wouldn’t criticise.

Someone doing 35 in a 20 and hits a wayward 3 year old that’s some how gotten loose, your speed is the issue if you wouldn’t of hit them at 20mph (ignoring the parents allowing their child to disappear and run into the road). Cars are deadly, they should be driven carefully.

If you are driving and you turn a corner and crash into something parked badly, that’s all on you, on what planet is it unreasonable to expect someone manoeuvring a vehicle not to hit a stationary object, bar some very very niche situations I’m sure some people will be able to think of.

So when out driving my one ton metal killing machine, I'm now supposed to actually look where I'm going?
I think they should. Someone keeps parking opposite the exit to the cul-de-sac I'm in and it's dangerous for people pulling out.

I'm pretty sure they have had previous cars clipped by vans or lorries in the same spot (rear quarter caved in one morning), yet still park there. Most people probably aren't going to stop in that situation as they will get the blame either way.

Their house has a driveway big enough for 4 cars, but for some reason they dump it there...
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