Poll: Should links to Twitter / X be banned on Overclockers?

Should links to Twitter / X be banned on Overclockers?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Mods edited the OP so who cares anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
25 Sep 2012
Many subreddits have decided to no longer allow linking to X / Twitter. I personally think Overclockers should also no longer allow linking to X. What say you?
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I wouldn't miss it personally, I can see the free speech angle though.

Let's face it, it's a cess pool of drive by anger, polarised opinion, racism and advertising used by a "side" to spread their messages.

Question is, do Meta apps follow?

X is no longer a platform of free speech when the owner can and has banned people for whatever reason they like. I think Bluesky should be the platform allowed on Overclockers.

Meta should definitely be banned too now that there is no fact checking of any kind.
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Nobody serious is actually suggesting Elon is a Nazi or is sympathetic to any Nazi cause.

Well I seriously think he is sympathetic to the the Nazi cause so that automatically makes your statement untrue but if you want to argue about whether or not Elon is a Nazi then best take it over to the Elon thread.
It's a popular social media platform where people post things, be it their opinion or news and content etc.

Regardless of the owner doing/not doing something questionable, if you ban the whole thing based on one person's actions, you're basically saying all users of that platform are represented by him and have the same opinions as him, which is just categorically not true.

Do you ban all BBC News links because of what Huw Edwards did?

I think it is more to do with Musk being the final arbiter of what is and isn't allowed that is the problem. He allows Nazi's to post on Twitter which going by yesterday's fascist salute suggests he supports them. I am honestly surprised any business would continue to use twitter now purely to avoid any suggestion that they support fascism.
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This is leftist BS.


Now show the videos of those photos and compare plus take the actions and motivations of the people photographed into account. This is desperate stuff. I knew Overclockers forums is more right wing leaning but I didn't realise it was this entrenched. Please take this type of nonsense post to the Elon thread.
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I voted yes as I think the world would be a far better place without social media. Twitter has become a nastier place than it was before Musk bought it and I deleted my account a couple of years ago. I hate social media in general as it's a huge cesspool where people say **** they'd never dare say in real life to real people.

Like someone said about Musks Nazi salute, and I paraphrase, "if you think what Musk did wasn't a Nazi salute, do it at you place of work tomorrow and see what happens".

I know if I did what Musk did at School drop off I would be receiving a visit from the police before lunchtime.
Keep X for now.

Musk is quite obviously losing the plot, and his ideology is increasingly far-right. The fact Tommy Robinson is his hero tells you everything you need to know, and yes, that was a Nazi salute, he got carried away and let the mask slip big time.

That being said, X is still the most mature platform with a wide range of users, you just have to ignore the crap on there. Admittedly, that is becoming increasingly difficult and I think it will continue to decline, but not for a while yet.

If people don't move away from twitter, it will always be the most popular platform. If you believe Musk is a far right fascist I find it strange you would continue to use his platform which directly supports him. Deleting your twitter account is easy and it sends the small message that you won't accept a fascist. Millions of other people doing the same sends a big message.
It was a Nazi salute though.

Whether it was a salute to the Nazis or Nazism is a whole other leap however.

Edit: I've voted no in the poll, however I would vote yes if it were all social media that's banned from the forum.

I would be happy too if all social media platforms like twitter, meta and bluesky was banned too but don’t let perfect be the enemy of good by voting no.
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My main motivation for posting this thread was because of Musk's fascist salute. I don't want to see links to his website whilst browsing a completely separate site. I am not happy that a mod has altered the words I have written in the OP. It makes me feel like the mods are downplaying the seriousness of what happened yesterday even if that was not the intention.
Question is null and void because Feek edited it

Yeah I always knew these forums were pretty right wing but this thread proves it. Nothing wrong with it being right wing but it's not the sort of community I really want to take part in. Especially when the moderators are altering my original post to remove the reason for the question.

In my opinion, I will repeat that, my opinion, I believe Musk deliberately performed a fascist salute. Only he knows the reason why. I don't want anything to do with X as that is his tool to promote and proliferate his ideology. I had hoped that a majority of users on Overclockers would also no longer want to endorse Musk by using his product. Many people want to try to separate Twitter from Musk but that isn't a distinction I can make.
That's quite an extremist response isn't it?
Just ignore it if you don't like it

See I just can't understand why people hold such a viewpoint. Musk owns Twitter. Musk controls exactly what is and isn't allowed on Twitter. It isn't just about me not liking it so I should ignore it. Twitter is a propaganda tool controlled by Musk, a tool he is now aiming at the UK and other allied nations. Look what has happened in the USA with them electing a felon as president with Musk using his influence to make it happen. Propaganda is extremely effective and Twitter is one of the most powerful propaganda tools ever invented.

The UK government banned RT from broadcasting in the UK. Twitter is a much bigger threat than RT ever was and now the owner of twitter is throwing sieg heils on the main stage of the Presidential inauguration. Yet we have a lot of people on this forum defending Musk making excuses for him blaming it on his autism etc. I find that extremely concerning and think that is strong evidence that the propaganda is having an effect here.

I can see why people might think that banning twitter on Overclockers is censorship and in a way that is correct. I think it is censorship of Musk's agenda, his propaganda. People need saving from propaganda because a lot of the time people don't even realise it is propaganda. There is nothing stopping people moving to a different social media platform to have their voices heard but to continue to allow twitter to push Musk's ideology is dangerous and will lead to bad things. The more people who stop using it the better. Blocking Twitter on forums and places like reddit are a great first step to reducing musk's reach.
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Welcome to the modern world :D

I often disagree with people, but don't immediately write them off as facist/crazy/evil/bigoted(etc), or something else terrible. The polarisation of people today is quite scary.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

A man who supports and funds a political party who had actual Nazi's within their ranks, who yesterday made a gesture which looked exactly like a sieg heil and a man who supports the likes of Tommy Robinson shouldn't be written off as a fascist? What?!

Where should we draw the line? Might as well block all web links on the forums just in case you disagree with whatever content they might have?

Can you not recognise the unique danger of Twitter as a propaganda tool? It is up to Overclockers which sites should and should not be allowed to be linked to. It's not that I simply just don't like Elon. It is that he is a danger to our society. Can you not see that?

When the mods are saying stuff like this and altering my original post wording it makes me feel this thread is a waste of time no matter the result of the poll.
There's nothing stopping them from boycotting, it's unreasonable to expect others to abide by your/their viewpoint, forced censorship is never a solution and creates more resentment, hatred and enforces the beliefs of those you're trying to change through force

Should the UK government not have censored RT? What about CGTN? Twitter is far more dangerous than either of those.
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