I guess we shouldn't try to make anything better unless we are also trying to make everything better.
This and the "well, it's not a perfect and immediate solution" arguments really frustrate me.
I guess we shouldn't try to make anything better unless we are also trying to make everything better.
criminal killed on the other side of the world? really - if u think that what the protest is about you need to take a look at yourself! quite disgusting really
I do understand that is not the main reason in people's minds. He is the poster child for the movement though, nearly every protest picture or video has his name somewhere.
Iprobably shouldn't have worded it that way though. In my mind I was wondering why people don't care when over 1000 innocent people die on the other side of the world. Yet 1 person dies and he is over every city in the UK. If people were happy to pay a fair price for their trainers and boycotted the brand's using sweatshops the problem would be cured. The factory's would be made to pay more to stay in business and they would be able to this because you are paying more.
Yes I pick up linen shirts, 3 or 4 quid, some over 100 originally, cheapest was an M&S Italian collection, still nice, I like the night manager look!!My better half owns a shop that sells second hand designer stuff.
It's mental how much hardly worn clothes I get for no money.
6 x Vivienne Westwood shirts for £15 each which I wore for work for a good few months.
All my hoodies I slob around in are RRP for £100+ because of the name, but I get them for £10-15 in near perfect condition.
It's crazy what people dispose of for no reason.
If anyone is worried about slave labour and clothing manufacture you might keep an eye on the initially kid glove treatment the textile areas of Leicester are receiving. Not only flouting of the lock down laws, perhaps the cause of the rife infections and need for localised lock down again, but progressing to investigation into slave labour, forced to work when ill with the virus symptoms, illegal immigrant workers, VAT fraud and furlough misappropriation.
It is bad. But without those jobs they would be worse off. Remembeevwe had slave like conditions here not to long ago
Definitely. People don't want to pay the actual price for what consumer items would cost if everyone in the supply chain was given a fair wage. We're not given much of a choice as consumers either as it's a race to the bottom on price. I'd imagine a lot of the stuff I own was made by people earning very little.
What do you call "not too long ago"?
Why do you need to avoid Chinese electronics, are they made by slaves?
Surely saying you don't want to buy something because it's made by an ethic group in a certain country is prejudiced. If everyone stops buying slippers made in China, who suffers? People on low wages who work hard.....
Yes because its all the consumers fault....No its the insane amount of profit people are making on the back of it. We could easily make the clothes in the UK the raw material price is the same (more or less) pay people a fair wage but the owners/shareholders would see profit reduced significantly, yet the price would be the same. How often do you see this happening almost never unless they have excess stock and the product is crap and its just taking up space.
So do not target the consumer, target the shareholder (you) the owners, the bankers and the buyers of these products.
In otherwords nothing is going to change pending a revolution and that is not going to happen as everyone is turning a blind eye to it all as its nice to be gurnard reader on the high road.