should WoW be this boring? any helpful tips to newb?

youre putting me off it now, i placed an order at the weekend for the retail game and im having 2nd thoughts because of this thing about having to rotate life around a video game and play for so many hours each week.
only reason ive been on so long this week is due to not being busy, i cant see me playing for this long any other week tbh either.
so final verdict then, shall i return the game when i get it through or just carry the account on in the hope of finding a fairly laid back guild?
ive just started an undead priest and im very surprised at it being like a completely different game from my orc warrior. maybe there is life after levelling a character to 60 then :D
Vicious said:
yeh but thats stupid, its not as if you get from 1 to 60 in 10 mins, there is a lot in between which takes a fair while if your a casual gamer. You can also be casual at 60, doing the odd hour of battlegrounds, which i find really fun or doing 5 man instances

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