So that would be MSNM and the stupidest thing to pick someone up on in the world ever?penski said:Microsoft Network Messenger.
MSN Messenger.
Says MSN Messenger for me:
agreed - thats why the url for it is http://messenger.msn.comvonhelmet said:I've always known it as MSN messenger. It started out as Microsoft Network Messenger as far as I know.
I took the MSN thing as a jokeGilly said:So that would be MSNM and the stupidest thing to pick someone up on in the world ever?
It started out life as MSM and when the Microsoft Network was introduced became MSNM. Now commonly known as MSN.
Pickers said:My mind doesnt work that way, maybe its something that you are worried about yourself?
Just be a little more thoughtful before snapping and bringing in someone's own personal life - okay?
You're on the old Beta thenPickers said:Mine is actually "messenger beta"
penski said:Can we get back to whether the death penalty is a VeryGoodThing or a VeryBadThing?
Probably not .... but I'm certainly not going to cry if he did.punky_munky said:If he took his own life, is that justice?
sniffy said:The father-in-law rapeing his teenage step-daughter when she was dying from drinking too much and as a result of no help, died.
That's pretty sick.
The father pretty much torturing his few month old son and eventually beating him to death.
That's pretty sick.
You get the picture..We pay for these people to live in cosy conditions WHY?
penski said:Because we're not savages and realise that the sanctity of human life is such that it cannot be denied, even to those who have denied it to others?
What would your alternative to the death penalty be?
Speak for yourself. There's a sizeable number of people for whom I'm quite willing to be legally 'savage'.penski said:Because we're not savages and realise that the sanctity of human life is such that it cannot be denied, even to those who have denied it to others?
Vat of boiling oil?penski said:What would your alternative to the death penalty be?
I gave my opinion earlier...Did you read it? - I abhor the death penalty but encourage life imprisonment. I wouldn't treat a child killer any different from someone who has killed an adult. It's like when you see a news report of a disaster in foreign climes: "thirteen were killed including two children and four Britons..."sniffy said:I think you'll find the majority of the public do NOT want a child murderer living in cosy conditions. Not one person I know would accept what you said when it applies to people like that. Is that actually your own opinion?
To answer your question. A true punishment for me would be total isolation, 24/7 with no creature comforts. You, in a white padded room, for the rest of your life.
penski said:I gave my opinion earlier...Did you read it? - I abhor the death penalty but encourage life imprisonment. I wouldn't treat a child killer any different from someone who has killed an adult. It's like when you see a news report of a disaster in foreign climes: "thirteen were killed including two children and four Britons..."
Wait a second...Are those individuals special due to their nationality?
See, I'd say an 8' cube, plain grey concrete, food lowered in through a 6" hole in the roof.
I've always swayed between to be honest. But I'm pretty certain that life in prison would be the way to go - its just a shame that it doesnt always work like that.penski said:death penalty is a VeryGoodThing or a VeryBadThing?
sniffy said:Your a funny guy.
Heard the likes of Ian huntley receiving any harsh treatment from his in-mates? You do, very rarely, because he isn't sectioned with regular in-mates and is guarded almost constantly when in the company of regular in-mates.
Visage said:So if, say, one day they get into a fight, and while defending themselves accidentlally kill someone, you'd be happy to see them executed?