*** Show Off Your Apple Hardware ***

27 Jul 2005
The Orion Spur
I've had this MacBook for a few weeks now but couldn't get the Internet working via Wi-Fi so I just grew bored of it and had it collecting dust in the corner, until recently I thought I'd give it one last shot and ask for help on here, following the advice of a couple of good chaps on here I've got it working like a dream and I'm falling in love with it more and more each day, post your Mac gear guys so I can dream about getting bigger and better Mac toys :D.

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Could someone kindly delete this thread please, :o, god I'm sure I'm going crazy in my old age, I searched for that thread everywhere but the Linux and open Source section, surely it would be more suited to the Mac hardware forum.

I've reported it to a Mod, but they don't seem to want to move it.

You could try emailing them to ask for a move :)
Only 6 replies... I want to see more beautiful macs :( I would post mine, but its just a boring MacBook Pro... I'm getting me a Mac Pro soon thou, sexxxxxxy!
One of the shrine. Aw yeah!

sorry but can I ask whats the point of this thread? apple laptops of modern age comes in three styles, white macbook, black macbook and macbook pro.. The desktop comes in mac mini, imac and mac pro. and They all look the same! and we all can go to apples web site to look at them. ok a picture of your workstation setup would be nice but so would random pictures of rooms in peoples houses. Screen shoots of users dekstops would be nice to see what programs people are using.

There was some pictures of a mac book with a custom skin a few months back - thats worth looking at..
sorry but can I ask whats the point of this thread? apple laptops of modern age comes in three styles, white macbook, black macbook and macbook pro.. The desktop comes in mac mini, imac and mac pro. and They all look the same! and we all can go to apples web site to look at them. ok a picture of your workstation setup would be nice but so would random pictures of rooms in peoples houses. Screen shoots of users dekstops would be nice to see what programs people are using.

There was some pictures of a mac book with a custom skin a few months back - thats worth looking at..

It's for us to congratulate each other on how mactastic and rad we all are.

There's a mac desktop thread around somewhere too, where we compete to see who has the least stuff on their dock
Hehe... Nail and Head comes to mind.

Mohinder: Where could I get a stand like that, for my macbook?
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