Main rack: (top down)
Thorens TD160 B + SME 3009 SII improved arm + Shure M75ED T2 cartridge
Sony MDS-E11 Pro minidisc recorder (retired now as it's got a grumpy mech)
Panasonic DMP-BDT120 bluray
Cambridge Audio DVD57
Tascam CD-RW901 Pro CD recorder
InterM R300 Plus pro power amp (front speakers)
Marantz AV7701 surround processor/pre amp
Harrison Xi150 mosfet pro power amp (Modified, headphone amp, serious overkill, capable of supplying nearly 9W into 250ohms)
Bryant Neutrik powercon 12 way mains distribution panel
Harrison Xi150 mosfet pro power amp (rear speakers)
Panasonic UT50 50" plasma
Speakers: (swtich them around every now and then)
Tannoy Super Red monitor 10B
Spendor SP2/3e
Home brew design based on KEF chorale (Seas H1280-06 tweeters and Kef SP1063 B200 8" woofers with custom crossover)
Home brew subwoofer built around a Seas L26ROY 10" subwoofer. (42L ported, tuned to 29Hz)
AKG K601 (120ohm)
AKG K60 (600ohm)
AKG K240 sextett (600ohm) * Not pictured as they are in bits atm
Beyer DT100 (93dB canford level limited 400ohm)
Beyer DT770 Pro x2 (93dB canford level limited 250ohm) * second pair not pictured
Beyer DT294 headset (80ohm + Phantom powered condenser mic)
Sennheiser HD480 x3 (2 unlimited 1700ohm, 1x 93dB canford level limited 1700ohm)
Sennheiser HD 25SP-II (60ohm)
Mixer is a soundcraft spirit ES which I use with a Yellowtec Puc USB-XLR/AES interface for recording and mics. Main mic I use is a sennheiser ME-66 shotgun, but sometimes use a sony ECM-77B lavalier clip-on. (not pictured) Main audio output from the pc is a xonar essence ST deluxe, which I now use optical only to avoid ground loops.