Show Us Your PS3 Setup!

Thought i might as well post a pic in here of my PS3 setup , not as fancy as some but i like it :)


Enjoying it so far i only got it on friday with COD4 and assassin's creed which i havent played yet :p too busy with multiplayer COD4 :D .
Decided to put my PS3 on its end and it looks a lot better now I think. Well on this desk any way.


Its like a mirror. :)

Mathesar, nice setup by Kuro brother :D

Firstly apologies for the bad camera work, im using my 4MP pentax optio S4 point and shoot camera, really need a digital SLR.

Firstly some starship troopers, and boy does it look better in real life. Space is just SOOOOOOOO black on a well setup kuro.

Fifth element remastered looks awesome too, nice reflection off the closed blinds, but having the TV infront of them (room turned 180 degrees) didn't work.

The setup with blinds open, with the all important PS3, and some of the blu-rays are out of the pic. Made a DIY silver interconnect that hooks up the RCA outputs from the kuro into my arcam amp, and boy do games and blu-rays sound good through the ATCs.

Right just bought COD 4, off for a first play :D
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