Show us your retro setups!

Mine is more of a gaming console room, rather than a "Games room" as I mostly buy everything on Steam now / Humble Bundle or it's bought, played and then sold back on. I've got a small collection of games for all the different consoles but they're mostly either unboxed or not in a collectors state. The main retro game I'm playing at the moment is Mario Kart 64 with a friend, great times when he can come over!

My daughter is strange in that she prefers her smaller room to this when offered the choice and it was just sitting as a spare bedroom (used once or twice a year) with all my kit stored in boxes under the bed / in the garage etc. One day she said get rid of the bed as we don't need it and I said.... OK!

Why have you got the same consoles several times? Are they slightly different versions - like Japanese/US/EU etc..? Or back ups in case one breaks or something?
Use this for my retro fix, 150 systems over 12tb.
Why have you got the same consoles several times? Are they slightly different versions - like Japanese/US/EU etc..? Or back ups in case one breaks or something?

Pretty much both reasons really. One Snes is a standard one the other is a 1-chip model. The N64 is my favourite console from my childhood so I have Rgb modded Pal ones, Ntsc ones, Tim Worthington modded Pal one and then a UltraHDMI modded one. They're all spares too so if something goes wrong with one and I can't fix it then I'll have replacements that hopefully work and I don't need to find one in the future.

The other reason is, as daft as it sounds, you can usually buy consoles with 3 or 4 pads for the same cost as buying the pads alone! So sometimes I've gone to buy a console with pads and a couple of games just so I can have 4 pads for the console when friends come over.

The play stations I picked up for free from people or paid about 5 pounds each maybe so I figured why not when the lasers die or the mechanisms wear down I'll have spares to make working ones out of failed ones, hopefully!

I have some Amigas in a cupboard just behind as well but they're too big to display on the shelves, another great system from my childhood! Although if I'm being honest I prefer to use WinUAE on my laptop so I can use save states lol.
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