Shucking WD External drives

Still getting white labelled reduced RPM data centre drives in the 8/10/12/14TBs versions.

Looking to get some 14TBs soon to replace my 10TBs.
Ah that's a pain. EMZZ or EMAZ?

And is the cheapest place to buy them still WD with 15% student discount?

I need about 50 TB and not sure whether to wait for a sale. The 8 TB are only about £124 atm.
Why is it a pain? If you want a specific drive you pay for it outright.

I have zero concerns with using them... My 10s from June last year are EMAZ. He10 DC510 slowed down to 5400 IIRC.

I get mine whenever a certain river has a sale on, waiting for sub-£180 for the 14TB.

Alternatively wait for the WD Duo to be on offer. 2xWD Red 14TBs for £370ish.

Although with what has been going on it might be a while before they drop from the £250 level they are at now.

Google 14TB Elements Shuck, lots of discussion on it.
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