Shuttle temps query....

This way

Cheers guys!!

Made a big difference to the noise. Currently at 15% fan speed and the GPU temps are at 70oC, so looks fine to me.

Only problem is those 40mm fans I installed the other day aren't as quiet as I'd hope. There a damn site less noisier than the default 40mm Silent X fans but now that the graphics card fan has been slowed right down, the 40mm fan noise has come to the fore.

Argh!! Lol!

Oh well. The noise is fine for now and a huge improvment compared to the first time I used the Shuttle. Will probably look at replacing the 40mm fans again at a later date but for now it'll do.
CPU temps were a bit toasty while running 2 instances of Prime (67oC).

I undervolted the CPU voltage from default (1.5 or 1.55v, not sure which) to 1.4v.


Those Prime temps have dropped to 54-57oC! :D

Scary thing is, it'll probably go lower! :eek: Fingers crossed for 1.3v....
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