Side gate and gas meter question

No problem mounting post on wall.

I had a similar problem a few years ago, solved by sleeving a water pipe, with a piece of plastic 40mm waste pipe, cutting it along it's length so you can slot it over pipe, then make up some form work either end of pipe & filled space with concrete, to provide base for a pier.

You could scrape about a bit and see if you can find the top of the pipe in the border bit then if you get low enough cast some concrete for a pier, if you find it think of something else.

The pipe should be 400 - 600mm deep ha ha

I was actually more thinking if it was ok to do but both of these seem like great plans and I'm guessing I can just do this then build a nice brick pillar to hold my gate :)
That seems a hugely extortianate cost tho :(

Not our bag really for a £1bn t/o construction co., was a site handed over and the client wanted to move a meter out of the back garden to the front, our standard policies mean if we conduct any work under the business name we need supervision there at all times

Plumber disconnect gas supply from meter > property
Landscaper lift slabs and expose pipe
Both supervised by our managers hopefully in one day
Lay protection so no one falls in trench overnight
Gas company disconnect and re connect (£800)
Plus supervision for that day
Landscaper backfill and relay slabs
Plumber re connect and run pipe in wall sleeving
Plus supervision for that day
Plus overheads
Plus profit

Like I said our weighty H&S mean it's not our bag really
It's always seemed odd to me to have an externally accessible box from which anyone can turn off your supply.

My Dad built his inside the house and had a small glass window for the meter reader to look in.
Funny that we never question why things are done like they always have been done.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the current regulations mean if the meter was inside you need a ventilated route or a pipe in pipe.

Most utility companies want external access so if you don't pay your bill they can cut you off without entering the property ditto reading the meter
Don't know the specifics, but the electricity board seemed happy with the arrangement and it made the wiring a lot neater. Perhaps an external removable fuse would solve the cutoff issue?

This was in Wales and maybe electricity was still a novelty or something?
It's all old hat now, meter readings will be wireless eventually, but his idea was still nicer than the honking great boxes we slap on the side of new builds.
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