*sigh* Ballistix again

12 Jun 2006
I'm on my second set of ballistix and they are failing again..

...my problem is i run mem test at the rated specs of 250mhz 3-4-4-8 2t 2.8v and it passes without 1 error but i try using my pc at slower speeds (200mhz) with same voltage and timings and i get no end of BSODs. with other RAM it works fine.

Does anyone know how Crucial actually test the sticks? do they simple use memtest or do they do other tests?

thanks in advance
Ive just sent my pc4000 off too, i ran them at 10, 4, 4, 2.5 and was getting errors all over the place with any voltage i put they through, im running a msi neo2 plat board, is there any probs between this board and baliastix?

you were all warned about ballistix crap memory before. if your not gonna listen then you deserve the faulty sticks and the hassle.
Cyber-Mav said:
you were all warned about ballistix crap memory before. if your not gonna listen then you deserve the faulty sticks and the hassle.

maybe he/she never seen such warnings?

I myself bought the ballistix 2gb kit, I had never read anywhere that they had issues, until they started failing of course :rolleyes:

anyways, crucial have had them nearly a month and they dont expect to get stock of any replacements till 17th july :mad:
Cyber-Mav said:
you were all warned about ballistix crap memory before. if your not gonna listen then you deserve the faulty sticks and the hassle.
Oh for the love of God... Not everyone is going to have seen your 'warning' posts for Christ sake.
Cyber-Mav said:
you were all warned about ballistix crap memory before. if your not gonna listen then you deserve the faulty sticks and the hassle.

Don't you have Crucial RAM in your sig? :confused:

I have to say that was out of order. Nobody deserves a faulty product. How would you feel if that was you?
ballistix is utter crap, such a high failure rate, refund and go for some reliable corsair XMS or something
@ dutch guy: ive been running it at 1:1 200mhz recently to test stability so i can compare it to my standard kingston ram i am running on as back up

@ cybermav: lol, i bought my memory before everyone realised they were rubbish, i bought them them last oct/nov.
thats my problem. i've ran memtest at the crucial specs and it passes memtest without errors. but my windows is very unstable, random crashes, reboots, the works.
i'v been using 1gb of pc3200 kinston for the last week and it has been fine, i'm gonna swap back the ballistix today and see how it goes.
teggs reborn said:
thats my problem. i've ran memtest at the crucial specs and it passes memtest without errors. but my windows is very unstable, random crashes, reboots, the works.
i'v been using 1gb of pc3200 kinston for the last week and it has been fine, i'm gonna swap back the ballistix today and see how it goes.

deff signs of crucial ram going.sometimes shows no errors but its unstable.

try windows based ram checker.

though i would rma straight , and if you can get a refund.
Is it possible to feel how hot the sticks are when in use?

My sticks (when I still had Ballistix) were very hot, even burning my finger when I touched them causing instability.

After mounting a 80mm fan blowing onto the sticks stibility was much better.
yea don't bother with the crucial crap. just get ocz, mushkin, geil, corsair, gskill. they all far better in reliability than the ballistix 2gig sticks.

however i have seen reviews showing the ballistix to be the fastest 2gig kit around. but like 1000bhp skylines they only good for the quarter mile.
Aw hell! Just this minute bought some off an auction site. Only cost £100. Supposed to be in good working order. Knew about the problems with them but thought the price looked right. What's the best thing to do to check them when i get them, run memtest etc? Anything else?
teggs reborn said:
@mercyless: hi mate, i am thinking of getting a refund but i've had them 9-10 months so i'd probably get a reduced refund if any.

@dutch guy: They are hot to touch when in use but i already have a fan blowing onto them.

hi m8. hope you get a full refund, say that its unfit for its purpose.

i had 3 sets gone bad on me over 6-7 months, got refund in full from crucial.
Azibs said:
Aw hell! Just this minute bought some off an auction site. Only cost £100. Supposed to be in good working order. Knew about the problems with them but thought the price looked right. What's the best thing to do to check them when i get them, run memtest etc? Anything else?

Run a good few loops of memtest at stock settings. Most sets tend to be ok for a while and die in the first 2-4 months.
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