Sigma 50 1.4 Art release date for Canon

highly tempted, but again, i'm one of the 35/85 combo kind of guys. I have a sigma 50 already which is nice although obviously this one would be nicer...going to wait to read more feedback on focus accuracy etc before jumping in.
highly tempted, but again, i'm one of the 35/85 combo kind of guys. I have a sigma 50 already which is nice although obviously this one would be nicer...going to wait to read more feedback on focus accuracy etc before jumping in.

I'm a 35/85 person too, but after not using/needing a 50mm for ages, I've had two gigs recently where I could have used it. Also I have a gig coming up where I think it would be perfect. I'm still trying to find a layout of the venue to make sure. To be safe though, I'm added myself to the stock notification email list of a company :D
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