Silentmaxx Hard drive enclosure and raptors

24 Dec 2005

Since I installed my new 7900 GTX which is silent even under load my raptors noise have come to the forefront.

Its amazing how when one component becomes inaudible and what noise you didn't notice before suddenly appears.In this case the ringing Raptors.

Now I was going to get some Nexus DiskTwins,to stops HDD Vibration and Resonance as they are cheap.

Has anyone used these?

The rumbling as always been there and TBH it doesn't really bother me its the constant ringing of the drives spinning thats starting to get on my nerves.

Are the silentmaxx aluminium enclosures the way forward for raptors?
Or do you think the Nexus DiskTwins will suffice?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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I had a Raptor & SilentMaxx and sold them both, a) because it was noisy and b) cuz the Maxx did little difference. I recently bought a Raptor again though as nothing compares for the price. To be honest, the Maxx made little difference. Give it a try though, if it works, BOOYAH... if it doesn't, sell it on.
Cheers for the input. :)

In what way did it make little difference?

Surely it stopped the vibrations to the case and the
It honestly didn't. I think the seating in my case was pretty decent though, so i guess if you aren't already using rubber to stop vibrations, give the enclosure a go. The seek was definitely audible with the Maxx.
my raptors are near silent in my case, they are both in silent maxx enclosures.
the noisiest device in my pc is now the chipset fan :rolleyes:
Dimension said:
my raptors are near silent in my case, they are both in silent maxx enclosures.
the noisiest device in my pc is now the chipset fan :rolleyes:


I put the 150 gig raptor in the silentmaxx when it arrived and its silent!

And yep the chipset fan is the loudest thing now in my rig.
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