Silverpaw Prediction League Round 37 - 15/16/17/19 May

Round 37 results:

@Minibiker wins the round with 13 points thanks to 4 scorelines and a further 1 outcome. wildman takes 2nd with 12 points ahead of myself and explict4u tied in 3rd with 9 points.


@Stoddy increases his lead at the top of the table to 17 points and barring a miracle will be this years champ. Maybe I should ban him before he predicts for round 38 to make it more interesting :p Shami looks safe in 2nd, 14 points ahead of Bickaxe in 3rd with Mr Blonde making up the top 4. planty and myself will be hoping for a big final round to sneak into the CL spots.

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