Silverstone 1200w Strider '80 Plus Gold' Power Supply - IN STOCK... AND HOLDING THE PRICE TILL FRIDA

The 'metal rings' are there for a reason, although you can remove them and just braid the cables.

I did on my hx850. Just hit them with a rubber mallet to crack them off the wires.
Did no damage to mine but I would check with the manufacturer to see if there is any problem removing them
"It doesn't, the ax1200 isn't a patch on these."

is that to elaborate?

the corsair wins on the warranty side for sure..dont know about anything else tho.
". The Corsair unit delivers higher levels of efficiency, but they are both fantastic products capable of powering any high end gaming enthusiast system. .."

kitguru review...
I'd rather have this over an ax1200

The quality is number 1 here. And this usually retails at £100 more than this.
". The Corsair unit delivers higher levels of efficiency, but they are both fantastic products capable of powering any high end gaming enthusiast system. .."

kitguru review...

did you look at the tables that kit guru posted? the ax is only 1-2% more "efficent" and lets be honest here... unless your running tri sli / x-fire your not going to notice that diffrence! will be pre ordering mine today i think to replace my ethermax galaxy 1kw psu as it about 7 years old now i think!!
i go with Corsair. 7 years warranty and looks better aswelll..especially cables. And the AX has a power switch too....
and the power switch makes a diffrence how?? the only reason i would choose an ax over the silverstone is because of the extra 4 years warranty. but its £70 extra (will be less after the pre order im sure in which case the ax may be the better choice)
i know it does not matter much..i just prefered it, i dont know myself why.
i`m sure this one is a good choice too....i just rather have the AX. Had to exchange parts of my 800D and was well impressed with Corairs customer service...

Edit: and also a reason for me to go with this is that id like to get the blue braided cables to match my Rig..once they are in stock here.
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Just to clarify these are the evolution models? Damn typical after I buy a new 1000watt psu you have a 1200 w for the same money. :eek:
No idea yet, need to work on pricing with them.

Been very busy expanding the Chassis range for Silverstone lately, check it out.

It is an impressive range (even though i'm still bitter you didn't have any TJ11's in stock in December :()

PS, is the "m" in "mini ITX" on the left hand side meant to be lower case? It looks like a typo :)
Just to clarify these are the evolution models? Damn typical after I buy a new 1000watt psu you have a 1200 w for the same money. :eek:

No these are Strider Gold models.

I like these psu's - they have a nice tough finish on them and are quite small so can be used in most cases + you can buy the short cable set for them for about £13 - helped keeping my FT03 nice and tidy.
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