Simspons Movie showing tonight :D

Zefan said:
Anyone who's seen this and Transformers, which was better?

The special effects in Transformers was obviously better and it was funnier that I was expecting. However, The Simpsons made me laugh more, especially Spiderpig! :D I enjoyed both films so they're both worth watching.
Saw the film last night, loved it, was a bit surprised at the Bart bit though, thought it was funny no problem just surprised they did it. Sometimes these films from a tv show seem like a long dragged out episode but this one didnt at all! Just so many classic moments in the film i cant talk about as it may ruin the film for others. :D
Zefan said:
Anyone who's seen this and Transformers, which was better?
I preferred Transformers considerably. Was a bit disappointed with The Simpsons. :(

Although lots of people were laughing all the way through, I didn't laugh very much which is pretty sad. It was good, but just not as good as I think it needed to be. Still worth the watch though, especially as everyone else in this thread appears to have loved it.
Zefan said:
Anyone who's seen this and Transformers, which was better?

We were off to watch Die Hard 4, which was sold out when we got there, so we tried to get into Transformers, but only seats left were 2nd row from the front, so basically by default we went to see the simpsons. It was pretty good, very funny, but i'd rather have seen Die Hard or Transformers. :(
I thought the film was good and I wasn't anywhere near as disappointed as I thought I would be. However, anyone hoping to see the humour, pathos and subtlety of the TV show, circa 1990's, probably will be...
I nearly walked out of this - was sooo boring - my friend fell asleep...

Really was very poor, everything remotely funny was in the trailers - I had forgotten how poor the Simpsons had gottten since losing Sky One, but this reminded me I wasnt missing out on much...

Watch Transformers or Die Hard 4 way before you considering this ****

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Wang Computer said:
I thought the film was good and I wasn't anywhere near as disappointed as I thought I would be. However, anyone hoping to see the humour, pathos and subtlety of the TV show, circa 1990's, probably will be...

Spot on.
Too many of the minor characters were missing or got very little screentime. :(
I thought it was about as good as a mediocre episode. Very disappointing.

The Simpsons has been boring for years now though, they should have brought the film out in the late 90's.
Quite dissapointed in this too. It was *OK*, but I have seen countless better episodes.

The funniest part for me was the Bart skateboard sequence, just hilarious because 'that' part was so unexpected :D

Choice between this and Transformers? No contest, I've watched transformers twice already, and I NEVER go and the the same film twice at the cinema.
Zefan said:
Anyone who's seen this and Transformers, which was better?

Transformers in my opinion. Not many films out atm are better than the Simpson's Movie which I thought was very well made.

Though saying that I do appreciate that the Transformers movie was slightly terrible in places, but I'm biased so I don't *really* believe that :D
Zefan said:
Just got back from watching this and wish I'd waited until I could rent it!

It had a couple of funny scenes in it, but on the most part it seemed like they were trying too hard and that either the plot was designed to originally be more episode length so had to pad it out. could have been though that it was too long and had to cut-down as it just feels like something was missing. :)

I found the humor a bit weird too as it seemed quite adult in areas and it just didn't strike me as the Simpson I know and love... :)
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