Single Raptor or RAID0 Hitachi?

18 May 2004
For the price of a single 74gb raptor I can get 2 x 60gb hitachis and RAID them

Will I be better off with the second option? Majority is for games, lots of unzipping :D and some video encoding!
The RAID0 will be faster but much less reliable than running a single Raptor. It is all a trade off.
well, i have both, although with 2x120gig WD drives in raid-0. for transferring files over, or anything to do with bandwidth the raid beats the raptor.

the raptor still feels faster tho. guess the seek time helps in there. it loads progs and stuff faster too than the raid array.

if you're using it for games, lots of unzipping and some video encoding

video encoding will be a lot slower than the bandwidth of any drive really so wont matter which you have. no diff either way from my experience.

unzipping/raring, the bandwidth that the raid can give will mean you can read the info faster than a raptor can, but can the drive you unrar to keep up? you'd need another raid array to unrar to to make full use of the transfer speed. and thats assuming you're not CPU limited there.

gaming is a bit different. from what i have seen on my own PCs, both systems have their own strengths. the raptor loads levels etc faster if they arent huge, but those massive levels on high quality will load to the RAM/GPU faster from a raid array.

overall i'd go for the raptor since in everything else it still feels faster than a raid array, even with multitasking (running loads off the same drive). the newer raptor (150gig) should be even better.

also as said above, raid is far less reliable.
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