Sir Patrick Moore enters hospital

Definitely get well soon! His monthy "Sky At Night" is just about the only thing I bother to watch regularly and its remained consistently good for decades.

I've met the guy and attended his lectures. He has an incredible mind and is just as sharp in his 80s as he ever was. I'll now take the opportunity of recommending his book, "80 Not Out" which is real warts and all, and it's a fascinating read.

[edit] Latest is that he's been fitted with a pacemaker which is to be expected at his age I guess, so let's hope for a speedy receovery. I bet he'll be presenting next month's programme knowing his tenacity.
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Interview Some very pithy comments there :)

I didn't know he'd met Orville Wright, Albert Einstein, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
All the best Sir Pat
The BBC article has been updated. It seems he's to have a pacemaker.

His agent, Robert Voice, said Sir Patrick will have a pacemaker fitted on Thursday in routine operation.

"There's nothing to be concerned about, it wasn't an emergency," said Mr Voice, adding Sir Patrick was in "good form".

He is expected to be released from hospital in a few days' time.
i actually managed to catch a "Sky at Night" episode the other night and i must say he didnt at all look well then and i commented to the g/f about it the next day.
Legend indeed, and one of the very few people who truly deserved and earned a Knighthood.

Get well soon. I used to be into astronomy a bit when I was a kid and I will always have respect and admiration for him.
As has been said before time and time again in this thread, I wish him all the best. He entertained me in gamesmaster when i was young, and in just about anything else he has appeared in...
Dark_Angel said:
As has been said before time and time again in this thread, I wish him all the best. He entertained me in gamesmaster when i was young, and in just about anything else he has appeared in...

dominic diamond!!! :D

patrick more wont die, its forbidden by me. already lost my grandfather this week, would be sad to lose him too :(
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