Site review

17 Mar 2008
Hey peeps, would appreciate your input. Just finished off another site, it's VERY basic, literally, 3 pages in total or there about's, but wanted to know your opinions - most importantly, would you fill it out? is there anything that says 'no, don't want to hand over my email'

Wanted to take a simple approach for once and this is the first 'landing page' focused site I've tried so any feedback hugely appreciated.

Thanks all!
There's no footer to say any more info about who the company is; the radio buttons for lease and for sale could line up a little better (at least in IE9).
I wouldn't fill it out.

- No about page with any details of who you are
- No apparent way to contact you
- Whois database shows registered to a private individual whose opted out of showing address.

Ticks all the red flag boxes and smells of email harvesting & spam.
Nice, that's massively valuable guys, thanks for your input!

Need to check IE - I'm guilty of missing that one this time.
Alrighty, that should hopefully plug the gap. Fixed the bugs with IE on the radio buttons and added two new pages (about us) including privacy policy and T&C's aswell as a contact page.

Hopefully that helps it come across a little better?
To be completely open too, it is email harvesting in one respect.

But will be offering all the 'unsubscribe' options, etc. This part of the system isn't built as of yet. The core of the idea, connecting enquiries to agents, though a little 'clunky' is all in place.
Damn, I filled in the form. How do I now UNREGISTER? No confirmation email comes through, or instructions on site on how to do so.The about us page says you will contact me but not that you may give details to other agents, so I don't know how that works really.

Oh and I am actually looking for commercial property :D Would I use that? Probably not with my professional email address as it does not have any local relevance.
Don't worry I'll remove your address, gmail by any chance?

Great points too, will make it more explanatory and include a follow up email.

That's the one :D at least I can confirm the form submission works.

You should demonstrate what value it gives me. My main concern would be being inundated with different agents phoning me wanting to meet to 'discuss requirements'. No one likes being badgered in their day job by sales people unless it's likely to be a constructive use of time.
Great, now removed :)

Notes taken, thanks for your input, really appreciate it.

In essence, your details are crossed with our database of vetted agents - who we have years of experience working with - though the search criteria is small, it has a very basic algorithm that selects an ideal 'match' for your search, going off location and property type and then passes your details onto one of our agents. There is also a follow up - so after we've made the match, we'll auto send an email too see if your needs were met, and if not, if you would like us to make any further 'matches'.

There is a filter, to stop a mass 'bum rush' of agents chasing one individual. And eventually I'd like to work in some sort of review system to work into the filtering process so that we can ensure that 1) agents on our system are doing their job and 2) that the individuals needs are being met.

I really do hope I can refine the concept enough so that it can be seen as a trusted 'go to' place.
I wouldn't use it mainly because on the homepage you ask for my details then below advertise how you can "become a member" to get leads. It screams that you don't want to help, you just want my details to sell / pass on.

Also, I don't like the arrow next to "Get started now it's free" but apart from that I like the theme and the look of the site.
Great point! I was a little 50/50 about that, now removed :)

Thanks everyone for your feedback, feel like I'm making some awesome leaps forward refining this site.
Minor point really, but you should use the for attribute on your labels. 'For Lease' and 'For Sale' in particular.

Edit: Also, on your about page, I would strongly consider removing the first sentence entirely - "Established in early 2013 as a side project."
Even if your company is actually just a side project you decided to run with a few months ago, you don't want to advertise that fact.
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It tells the browser which form element the label is for.
The real benefit is that it then 'links' the two, so if you click on the label, it puts focus on the input. In the case of your radio buttons, if you had the for attribute included, clicking on the label text would select the corresponding radio button. It's just better usability really.

Edit: The value of for should match the ID of the input it belongs to btw.
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Really minor, but that should be "Every day, thousands of people..." and not "Everyday, thousands of people...".

If something is "everyday", it means that it's commonplace or used regularly. "Bread is an everyday commodity". If you are talking about something which you do frequently, you'd say "I go to the gym every day".

e: Actually, if I get time later I'll take a look through the rest of your copy as well. I used to do it at work and rather miss it :). It'll probably be tomorrow evening before I get the chance to get back to you though.
Great point! I was a little 50/50 about that, now removed :)

Thanks everyone for your feedback, feel like I'm making some awesome leaps forward refining this site.

It might be a good idea to have it somewhere but maybe on a different page so you don't lose the possibility of getting people to become members.

As others have said maybe under the footer just place a copyright statement, or some contact details (telephone number / email address etc. Just thinking out loud but it looks quite empty at the minute.
Wow. I'm overwhelmed! you guys really are legends. Sincerely.

I really do wish I had spent a little more time concentrating in English, my grammar and general structure can be shocking at times.
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