Six-year-old schoolboy suspended for having Mini Cheddars in his lunchbox...

Many parents don't have a clue because they aren't well educated about healthy eating. There is also the massive issue of healthy food being generally more expensive than unhealthy food.

For families on a low income healthy food can cost 2-3 times more than the "unhealthy" alternatives.
I'll presume coded in that is also "the 'unhealthy' lunch is confiscated" which raises legal questions about theft and blackmail.

There other major problems here in that is only so much objectivity in what constitutes as healthy or unhealthy. I read numerous articles from well established dieticians that completely contradict each other, for example the debate over whether saturated fat is good or bad for you.

The premise of rules like this means you get one person's point of view (usually the head's) over what is healthy which will almost certainly be biased by their own dietary preferences.

Nonsense, but then again you have already admitted that you eat unhealthily so no surprise about this post!

And no their is no controversy about saturated fat among-st the experts, Monounsaturated fats are FAR healthier and should obviously be encouraged/promoted instead

Yes. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats can have a positive effect on your health, when eaten in moderation. The bad fats – saturated fats and trans fats – can negatively affect your health.
American heart Ass.

Good fats come mainly from vegetable and fish products. They are liquid, not solid. There are two broad categories of beneficial fats: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.
The Harvard Medical School

Swap saturated fats for unsaturated fats
Butter, lard, ghee, palm oil and coconut oil are all high in saturated fat.
Too much saturated fat can increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which can increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
Where possible replace saturated fats with small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
British Heart Foundation
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Well the mother makes the point very clear.
The child is six, he has no control over his lunchbox.
She controls his lunchbox, she has stated publically she is going to change nothing.
So best she findss a new school that can tolerate her.
Not the child as it is beyond hiss control, but tolerate her.

Good decision school, if the relationship is utterly. Broken, then is should be severed.

It's a shame she couldn't remove him from the school before they expelled him. She can then make more of a point of it.

Your child is yours. It DOES NOT belong to the state. The state can make sure you care for your child and don't abuse but does not have total control of it.

Same goes for holidays during term time. I WILL TAKE MY CHILD* OUT OF SCHOOL WHEN I WANT THANKYOUVERYMUCH!**

*If I had one
** Wthin reason, say a couple of weeks a year, which, unless the child is very poor academically can easily be caught up.
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I don't really agree with everyone being dictated to about diet just because of a few families that overfeed their kids.

Why should all kids suffer because of a few obese kids? you don't have to eat super healthily as long as it's in moderation and you get enough exercise.
Nonsense, but then again you have already admitted that you eat unhealthily so no surprise about this post!

And no their is no controversy about saturated fat among-st the experts, Monounsaturated fats are FAR healthier and should obviously be encouraged/promoted instead

American heart Ass.

The Harvard Medical School

British Heart Foundation

I find it funny how people (in general) get hung up on the fats aspect when the real problem is sugars and carb intake resulting in the body not using the fats properly that actually causes the problem, moderate fat intake and reduced carbs IIRC is a lot better than going silly and knocking out all the fats you can.

EDIT: Obviously some fats are worse for you than others and its not something you should ignore either.
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What a parent feeds their child is of nobodys concern except the parents.

They should take the school to court.
See I do agree that rules should be followed but I can't see the huge benefit of enforcing boring lunches haha. I agree healthy and everything in moderation but to out rightly ban it is just going to push the problem home where the kids pig out after school when they're not as active and therefore not expending energy.

There must be more to it.

What is boring about a good lunch box? If anything it will benefit the kids in their studies no? Fresh food and drink certainly made (and still makes) me feel more awake and able to think sharper and I know a lot of other people are exactly the same.

The boy was expelled because of the mother's actions which is a bit harsh those are the rules for that school :confused:
Wow things have changed. I don't see what's unbalanced about a packet of mini chedders or what business it is of the schools.
Parents don't realise that the children belong to the government, not them.

Let's not kid ourselves that we have the right to choose for ourselves. Let's instead be grateful that the wisdom of the government tells us the way we should live. Submit. The government only wants what's best.
What is more detrimental to a child, having to move schools, make new friends, catch up on school work
having a bag of chedders for lunch?

clearly the cheddars is far worse, the child will grow up to be a delinquent.
It's only going to get more and more like a nanny state as time goes by.

Cameron wants all parents to let him filter their internet. How long before not doing so results in a visit from child social workers...
We had a similar problem at my sons primary school...after a couple of meetings with the headteacher, a letter from our legal representative and a discussion with the diocese the school decided that my sons (healthy, balanced) lunchbox was suitable after all. (The head left on health grounds soon after also)...the entire row was over a penguin bar we put into our sons lunchbox along with his chicken salad, Apple and Orange Juice. And this at a school, whose school lunch program served chips and pizza once a week on their menu, along with a range of processed foods on other days.

Ironically that school now has a school tuck shop which sells a range of snack foods including crisps and chocolate...but that's ok because proceeds go to local charities.

Luckily his current school has a sensible healthy eating program that recognises the entirety of a child's lunchbox should be considered before any kind of judgement is made. Chocolate is not unhealthy in a balanced diet....and neither is eating a bag of cheddars.

And excluding a child of 6, let alone expelling him (as well as withdrawing his siblings nursery place) is immature, pointless and harmful to the wellbeing of the child in far more ways than having a bag of cheddars at lunchtime. What on earth is that head teacher doing?, it sounds as if they are intentionally punishing the child as a proxy because the parents went to the press...
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We had three colours of custard when I was at school :D

The range of puddings encouraged healthy eating because nobody ate tapioca or semolina ever again.
It's political correctness gone mad. Typical government social scientist doctrine, moving the educational goalposts to rewrite history and suit their political masters' fascist liberal ideology. Where is the proof for this claim that Mini Cheddars are no longer a vegetable? No wonder people are turning to Creationism - get us out of the EU now!
Disgraceful that a school that receives taxpayers money expels kids over a lunchbox, especially when there is no medical evidence that a bag of mini cheddars causes any harm what so ever.

Many parents don't have a clue because they aren't well educated about healthy eating. There is also the massive issue of healthy food being generally more expensive than unhealthy food.

For families on a low income healthy food can cost 2-3 times more than the "unhealthy" alternatives.

I have never seen any evidence to back up these claims. At what supermarket does a carrot cost more than a chocolate bar?
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What is boring about a good lunch box? If anything it will benefit the kids in their studies no? Fresh food and drink certainly made (and still makes) me feel more awake and able to think sharper and I know a lot of other people are exactly the same.

The boy was expelled because of the mother's actions which is a bit harsh those are the rules for that school :confused:

Ok boring was the wrong word but Id certainly be interested to know how many kids prefer an apple over mini cheddars :D

I do agree I feel much more awake after "healthy" food and water. Yet I will never say no to a pizza or takeaway.

I still don't believe anything should be forced on anyone. Diet is somthing that should be taught not enforced. If anything preventing children from their unhealthy option will make them pig out more once they get home when they don't have any rules and regs over what they can and cannot eat.
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