Sking/Snowboarding 09/10

Awesome Adam mate, so jealous! Looks like seriously outstanding conditions already, get ripping it up!

Mate you should get yourself over here, its gonna be an epic season.

1.45 metres of snow in the past 2 days. Conditions are unreal, I got myself buried in some trees yesterday, took me about 90 minutes to get back to a groomed run after using my board to hike through belly high pow :cool:
Still coming down strong here, smashed the record for the most snow ever in November and still 10 days left. Theres been over a foot of pow every morning for the past week.

Keeping the tip up is brutal on the backleg! Buddy got stuck in earlier and did the 'turtle' for a good 5 mins:

Great pics from Mr.Stu, jealous I am! would love to get out to Whistler at some point as I've only been skiing in the french alps so far. Don't think I'll get out to the slopes this christmas though :-/
Hey all, I am looking to do my first snowboarding trip in a few weeks. Im studying in Seoul so figured I should try out snowboarding. I found a group that does trips up there, should I go with them or is it likely to be way more expensive that way? Im going to need to rent EVERYTHING.

Any tips? Im 22, pretty athletic and used to skateboard badly but I imagine i'll be half decent.

If anyones been snowboarding in Korea, know the best place to go? Though I imagine it dont matter much for a beginner?

I rent everything (apart from clothes) including boots etc... it works out cheaper for me as I don't go that often - however group deals might offer you discounts?

Never knew the skiing/snowboarding in Korea was good!
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