Skinny to skinny fat to slightly less skinny fat and all over again

Got MyFitnessPal on the phone just to track macros out of interest. Gonna get my older bro to take a look at the diet this weekend although a quick glance after a day shows that they're a bit out of whack. Calorie breakdown is: 51% from fats, 41% from protein and rest carbs - seems to work so far anyway but I'll probably have to sort that haha
Quick update after getting my brother to take my body fat yesterday - sitting at 12%, down from 18% at the start of September. Absolutely over the moon, especially since I haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would, the new routine must be stimulating muscle that I hadn't used in a long time :-)

Hoping to get to 10% then I'll reevaluate. Curiously as well, my bro said that my tricep site is abnormally high and according to Poliquin (whether it's scientifically accurate or not) it's associated with low testosterone in athletes. I have to get regular blood tests done for the arthritis medication I'm on so I'm gonna ask my doc if he can check my T levels too, out of curiousity more than anything but also because it can have a significant health impact if it turns out to be dodgy!
Quick update: Been a while since I posted here but I have been training, apart from 3-4 weeks over christmas when a close relative passed away.

Anyway, getting my mate to take some proper progress pics today. I've continued to lean out whilst keeping my weight about the same. In the last week I've followed Swolecat's guide ( ) to dry out and get carbed up. Also got the girlfriend to stick a bit of tan on (in before gay!) just to really try and look my best so I can get a good idea what I look like under ideal conditions.

Will update soon with the pic(s)!
Photos went well! That's me down to as thin as I'll ever get again (touch wood!). I'll get a pic up asap. Bulking started today, very slowly gonna introduce some low GI carbs here and there, starting with upping the amount post workout
Here we go haha:

Apologies for the blue steel look but I was holding my breath :P All a bit winged because we had just finished shooting some other guys and I jumped in at the end. Nice to see the progress though and see what I look like with all the conditions right.

Next step, bulk like frig! Gonna try and stay under the 14% mark but planning to bulk for a 6 months+, possibly a year depending on how quickly I go up in weight.
Nice. Might wanna get your money back for those traps though bro, your left one is AWOL.
Nice. Might wanna get your money back for those traps though bro, your left one is AWOL.

Haha so's the right, it's just the angle that helps that one! Genetics suck :p I think even if I was a 20 stone beast I'd still have the traps of a 8 year old girl with muscular dystrophy
Looking good to me, makes me want to cut properly before bulking! How much are you weighing in those pics?
Looking good to me, makes me want to cut properly before bulking! How much are you weighing in those pics?

The last one? I'm around 12 stone 2 there at just a touch over 6 foot. Back up to 12 stone 6 now though so it was just the depletion, even though I had carbed up I was dehydrated. Aiming for 13 stone for summer but still fairly lean and go from there
Right new routine started yesterday (although I swapped day 1 and 2 round this week cause I didn't want to go straight into heavy deads after deloading for a week :D

Day 1 Heavy Back – Light Legs
DL 10x3 (tempo 2010)
SQ 4x8 (tempo 4010)
Chins (CG w/ weight or WG) 5x5 OR 5x3 (tempo 2010)
1 ¼ SQ + Sissy SQ 3x12-14 / Rep out (tempo 3010)
B/O Rows or Shrugs 3x6 (tempo 2010)

Day 2 Heavy Chest – Light Shoulders
BB Bench 10x3 (tempo 2010)
Mil Press 4x8 (tempo 4010)
Dips (w/ weight) 5x5 OR 5x3 (tempo 2010)
Side Raises + Front Raises 3x12-14 / Rep out (tempo 2010)
Face Pulls 3x10 (tempo 3010)

Day 3 (fri) Heavy Legs – Light Back
Back SQ 10x3 (tempo 2010)
Chins 4x8 (tempo 3010)
Front SQ 5x5 OR 5x3 (tempo 2010)
DB Rows 3x12-14 (tempo 3010)
Single Leg Legpress OR Pistols 3x6 (tempo 2010)

Day 4 (sat) Heavy Shoulders – Light Chest
Clean+ Press 10x3 (tempo 2010)
Inc DB Bench 4x8 (tempo 4010)
Seated DB Shoulders 5x5 OR 5x3 (tempo 2010)
Flys 3x12-14 / Rep out (tempo 3010)
Face Pulls 3x6 (tempo 2010)

Plan is day1, 2, rest, 3, 4, rest, rest. Hoping that my strength will fly up, particularly since I'm aiming to bulk until late summer. Also, not gonna mix it up as much as the last routine to let the numbers come up. The last one was great because my body literally didn't have a clue what was going on each week but I felt like my strength suffered because I couldn't get enough practice in with the same exercises.
Yea so I nearly puked and had to leave during the 1 1/4 + Sissy superset haha. I'm glad I didn't do that workout yesterday but it's never easy doing that workout for the first time in a while so delaying it one day didn't help too much!

Weight wise - DL with 115kg, SQ 50kg, Chins BW + 10kg... after that it all gets a little hazy. Will aim to just complete the workout next week and bump the ones I did complete up by 2.5kg or 5kg depending on how I'm feeling
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