I just told you. How much extra would it have cost them to fit four ports? Not a lot.
A million or two maybe? Say £1 each x 4 x 200k-300k units (per annum). Quite a lot really, to please a small number of buyers.
I just told you. How much extra would it have cost them to fit four ports? Not a lot.
I'll say that actually having USB ports all over the car for charging devices is a great idea! I'd like to see more in the back of the car for the kids especially. However on the basis no one provides these I don't think I'd use it as an excuse to not buy the car.
But fox, how will one plug in one's dashboard fan?!4 usb ports?!
Not having a hilarious amount of usb ports seems like a harsh criticism.
The number of usb ports criticism seems silly. You can buy a flush fit 12v dual usb charger for about 6 quid that adds 2 for charging.
Happens all the time... if you use your car to charge your dash cam, two phones and a tabletSeriously, how often is this likely to happen on a new car, or indeed any car, as long as you keep the battery in good condition?? Anyway, there's always a manual over-ride hidden somewhere behind the boot trim, as with the fuel filler cap release.