Sky Boxes

7 Jan 2011
Hi guys,

I currently have the following sitting at home:


I just wondered, is it possible to buy a Sky+ HD box like the following:


and use that instead? The Sky+ HD box would look so much better in my little collection! I have Sky multiroom, with Sky+ HD downstairs, and Sky+ in my room...
yes you can and you can fit it yourself too. phone Sky, tell them you've bought your own HD box (avoid a Thomson box, any others are OK) they'll add it to your account and pair your card for you.

Best thing is, since Sept 1st a single HD subscription covers the whole house so HD upstairs too!
No it comes with the multiroom package, like every package you have downstairs you get upstairs, same happens here, might treat myself too a new tv and sky box then :)

Ok i see, so you still pay for multiroom but not an extra £10 hd sub to get HD in the extra room! thanks for clearing that up
Yes they're (installation wise) a straight swap. Picked up one for £25 off GumTree recently for a friend after I nuked her Sky+ box tring to upgrade the hard drive on it!

Best thing about them is the planner is SOO much better than the old Sky boxes
Can I just put in my Sky+ card then and it should work? Or do I need to ring up Sky, tell them I've purchased and using a Sky+ HD box?
The new box and old card need to be paired, so you'll need to ring Sky.

Out of interest what happens if this isn't done?

Just because i gave my mum my old Sky HD box and she said it worked fine for about 3 weeks but then said no signal could be detected and that it worked when she started using the old SKY+ box.
Wondering if the reason it stopped working is because she didnt pair the card and the box
When I gave my old Plus box to my mum (her's failed) everything "just worked" except the recording.
Anything she attempted to record would fail after about 5 seconds.
A quick call to Sky CS and all sorted in around 5 minutes.
Okay sounds good, anyone got a Sky+ HD box I can buy?! :P

I'll whip on the old bay and Gumtree and see what I can find. Thanks for all the help :)
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