Sky Broadband Everyday

22 Nov 2002
Wherever I want to be
Well we most/all know their 'everyday' package is limited to 10gb a month but I know full well I've gone over this allowance.

So what happens now? :confused:

I'm rather miffed to have only learnt they have chopped off 30gb usage allowance, I know I know I should have known sooner...:o

Think it's time to jump ship perhaps.

Thanks for any help :)
According to my mate who works for Sky they cut you off after you've gone a certain amount over the 10gb allowance and ring you up and yell at you.

It's ridiculous, they've only slashed the limit to make a quick buck off everyone.

We're going to upgrade to the highest package because 10gb a month is pitiful in a house of six.
I think I'll have to upgrade to the max service because this month I've used over 10gb but no complaints to us *yet*

Will the upgrade be instant? Or begin from the next calendar month?

I'm on 5.1mb at the moment, I suspect even though I upgrade I'm on the limits?
When I upgraded it only took about 24 hours for it to take affect. I imagine I will have a couple of erratic bills for a couple of months as I upgraded midway through the month.
We're on Everyday now. Sure I've used at least 20GB this month, and I saw my brother download a 7GB game the other day. Add on things like iPlayer usage, updating my iPhone, etc., and we must be several times over the stupid new limit.

No complaints yet, but if/when they do, I hope they're just gonna send us a letter telling us to upgrade, rather than cutting us off without warning/charging us lots of money.

I knew the 40GB allowance for the price was too good to last, but the way they've gone about the change has riled me. Cutting the allowance by 75%, then adding 200kbps to the upload bandwidth and claiming that this 'better suits most users'? They must think we're stupid.
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they dont cut you off, you will get an email, then a letter, then a phonecall to advise you about a higher package etc.

there very lax...
I eventually got an email regarding overusage, they said if it happens again in a 6 month period, then we'll get automatically upgraded :o
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