Sky me!

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Hi chaps,

My family recently cut back on the Sky due to their price hikes so I felt it was a good time to take on the cost myself as a new customer and get all of the deals that aren't open to existing customers.

What I've seen I can get so far is variety + culture + all movies + HD:

Monthly fee: £44.25
Box cost: £49
Quidco cashback -£95
Tesco voucher -£50

Can anyone do better than that? If my dad cancels his subscription and I try to register at the same address as a new customer are they going to tell me to go have a funny run?

Hi chaps,

If my dad cancels his subscription and I try to register at the same address as a new customer are they going to tell me to go have a funny run?


They shouldn't say anything as you are technically a new customer, if they do just say he has moved out and you've moved in or whatever.
Thing that annoys me, is all these offers & deals that are offered to new customers,
whereas existing customers get sweet FA for bieng loyal to them. :(
Ok this might make sense to some but makes zero to me....

Currently I live at home with the rents and I know after adding ESPN to their package that they pay roughly around £60 a month, whether or not this includes the multi room and the Sky HD subscription I've got I dont know, or whether it includes the MUTV subscription that I also added to their package.

Now I'm moving out shortly and when configuring my package to receive all the Movie channels all the Sport channels, ESPN and I think the variety package (Sky 1, GOLD etc etc) and music package not only does it work out more expensive it's actually cheaper to get everything plus Sky's Broadband & Line rental (£57 a month).

The company I work for has a sister company that's an ISP so obviously want to keep the ADSL with them as should I run into any problems then it's going to be a lot less stress free talking to them rather than ringing India and speaking to someone who has a lot less knowledge than myself.

Surely Sky can offer me a better deal than the 60 odd quid that their website is spouting?
Sorry for the double post but with a completely separate question...

The couple who's house me and the g/f are buying from currently have Sky+, I at home already have a Sky HD box which I'll be taking with me (as the rents will promptly end this once I'm gone) so assuming that the current owners of the house that I'm buying from don't take away their Dish can I just plug in my Sky HD box ring Sky and get it all activated and working straight away?

Pretty sure unless I wanted a new box (which would be nice I guess) there's nothing that Sky themselves need to do other than activate the subscription?
Yes, in fact you might not even need to call because the box and the card are tied.

EDIT: Ah, you'll need a new viewing card if they cancel.. in which case, you're just better off getting a free HD box, selling it (if you want) then using your existing HD box and pocketing the change.

£60 a month sounds pretty extreme.. I will never pay that!
I don’t know if this will be of any interest to you. When I was first toying with getting sky, I filled out the online application but did NOT get to the last part to commit. I did not enter my own name, just an imaginary one because I personally like to see all the questions they are going to ask me beforehand. When I finally contacted them by phone to book my Sky+ box and Sky packages the representative, said “Oh, I see you have only just moved in, haven’t you?”. I said that I’d lived in the property for the last 14 years and I asked who he thought was living in the house and he game me the spurious name I’d entered. So the sneaky lot are retrieving information even if you do NOT finalise the transaction. It is for consideration that I might be able to cancel my subscription, play around on their sight entering a Winnie the Phoo’s name but NOT committing and contact them a week later and they might think I’d just moved in and be treated as a new customer?
Thing that annoys me, is all these offers & deals that are offered to new customers,
whereas existing customers get sweet FA for bieng loyal to them. :(

Try living in a block of flats/apartments! Can't fill it out online so can't claim quidco and because it's installed via 3rd party they don;t offer the Tesco's or M&S vouchers or anything!

i'll be waiting until I move to a house I suppose :/
yes mate i did the exact thing, family stopped paying so I got it as a new customer, however, Sports/Movies + HD + ESPN + Multiroom soon added up, £74ish quid a month :(

To be honest all I got as a new customer was £25 tesco voucher and the HD box for £50. I wouldnt exactly call being an existing customer a ripoff compared to new, since I feel ripped off now lol!
best the OP could do would be the same monthly price (If you take phone line with us you could get 6-12 months free)

But you could be introduced by a friend, so £50 M and S vouchers to them (read you, if you can convince them)

Free HD box and Free install

hmmm, well sky say the house should be "sky free" for 30 days after the cancellation of your dad's account, however I'd stick it through, and so would many many other's, ring up and cancel Dad's account (see if they can give you a decent deal before you go, free HD box and install, with movies free for 6 months Should be one, ( I don't work in that department though) and then just ring up and get your new accout sorted

Thanks matey, I appreciate that. I know plenty of people with Sky already to get the M&S vouchers but how does the free HD box work? It's £49 according to the website, or is that a call up and ask kind of thing?

We're cancelling soon as well so I'll see how we get on with retentions and see what we can get out of them.
the thing is, your looking at £42.50 or so, BEFORE HD or ESPN or multiroom or MUTV, you have to accept that it's going to cost a lot to have ALL of the sky premium channels

The monthly prices are fixed, we don't negotiate, the only way as you've said, is to get some line rental deals to lower the price for the first 6 months

That's the thing me and the g/f have budgeted to spend around £60 a month on Sky because I want all the Sports channels, Movie channels might be handy every now and again and obviously channels like Sky 1, Gold etc etc are a must.

But the thing I dont get is how Sky can charge £60 for the channels on their own but make it cheaper to have their Broadband as well? Surely at this point they should be able to do me a deal?
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find a sky employee or two, and wait for xmas to approach :P We're sure to be getting more 'introduce family/friends half price for a year + free install' if not even better than that as we approach xmas/new year. Might even been sooner, haven't had any introduce a friend offers for a while.
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